PrestaShop 中多个国家/地区的不同价格

Different prices for multiple countries in PrestaShop

我需要在 PrestaShop 1.6 中开设一家商店,每个送货国家/地区的价格都不同。 有人可以指出设置此类请求的正确方法吗?

我目前的想法是在 MultiStore 中为每个国家建立一个新商店,但是拥有 107 个国家太费时了。还有其他解决方案吗?



Creating a New Carrier using the Carrier Wizard In this section, we are going to create a complete carrier, from A to Z, using the Carrier Wizard. You can create as many carriers as you wish. If one carrier has different shipping services, you should create as many carriers in PrestaShop, and differentiate them with their names: Many of the details asked by PrestaShop's forms should be provided by your carriers once you have set up an account or are under contract with them directly. Check with them in order to make sure everything is configured correctly. To create a new carrier, click on the "Add new" button in the "Carriers" page. This will open the Carrier Wizard on the first of its four panels.

Panel 2: Shipping locations and costs

"Shipping locations and costs" 是您可以使用自定义区域的地方。它会根据您的设置自动出现。