使用以下详细信息创建 ASP.Net Web 应用程序:

Creating an ASP.Net Web Application with details below:




public ActionResult Login(LoginViewModel login)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        if (new UserEntity().isValidUser(login.EmailId, login.Password))
            Session["login"] = login;
            //Redirect to Employee Controller after Validation
            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Employee");
            ViewBag.InvalidUser = "Invalid User Name or
        return View(login);
    return View(login);

public Boolean isValidUser(string emailId, string password)
    Boolean isValid = false;
        sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
        string query = @"Select * from UserProfile
where EmailID='" + emailId + "' and
   Password = '"+password+"'";
    cmd = new SqlCommand(query, sqlConnection);
        SqlDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        if (dataReader.Read())
            isValid = true;
    catch (Exception exp)
        //exception logging

    return isValid;


public ActionResult Login(LoginViewModel login)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        SaveLoginTimeToDatabase(); //here, we call a method that we define ourselves
        ... //rest of your original code
    return View(login);

public void SaveLoginTimeToDatabase()
    DateTime loginTime = new DateTime().Now;
    sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
    string query = @"Insert* into UserLoginTimeTable
   VALUES (User.Email, loginTime)";
   //So, we need to create a new database table, UserLoginTimeTable, for this info
   //... Rest of code: open SQL connection, execute etc.

但是,我们还需要在用户登录时显示登录时间,所以我们需要一个方法。为此,我们可能会在您的 Razor 登录页面上创建一个字段,用于显示该信息。 然后,在登录方法中,我们调用一个新方法来获取该数据

public ActionResult Login(LoginViewModel login)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        var lastLogin = FetchLastLoginTime(login.EmailId); //new method for retrieving the data
        // you need to call it before SaveLoginTime...(), so that you dont get the current login, that will be saved in the next line
       //you may need to include lastLogin in your loginViewModel:
         login.LastLogin = lastLogin;
        ... //rest of your original code
    return View(login); 

public DateTime FetchLastLoginTime(string emailId)
    sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
    string query = @"Select TOP 1 from UserLoginTimeTable
    Where EmailID = ' emailId"
    //Open sql connection, execute etc
    //Now, you should have access to the last time that user logged in. Return it to the original method and display it
var lastLogin = //get the logintime from the query
return lastLogin;

这不是一个明确的答案,可能有不正确的语法,但只是一个整体尝试,以展示您可以如何去做。你不需要接受它作为答案,它只是一个你希望可以工作的建议。由于您需要像这样对数据库进行多次查询,因此您可能需要使用 await/async、work/transactions 或类似的单位来实现一些异步行为,但希望它能正常工作。

总而言之,使用这种方法您需要一个新数据库 table、查询和附加逻辑。随时欢迎您标记 me/write 如果您有更多问题,您认为我可以提供帮助(希望您可以使用其中的一些),祝您好运