使用 TreeView 在 XAML 中显示具有上下文相关上下文的层次结构

Use TreeView to display hierarchical structure with context-sensitive contexts in XAML

我想"translate"将我之前的表单应用程序转换为尝试遵循 MVVM 模式的 WPF 解决方案。

现在我遇到了一个问题,我想构建一个 "context-senstive" 上下文菜单 - 但我不知道如何开始。


        foreach (Data.Location location in LocationManager.GetAll(this.DataSource)) {
            TreeNode parent = new TreeNode(location.Name) {
                Tag = location,
                ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(new MenuItem[] { 
                    new MenuItem("Standort löschen", new EventHandler(DelLocation_Click)) { 
                        Tag = location
                    new MenuItem("Raum hinzufügen", new EventHandler(AddRoom_Click)) {
                        Tag = location
            foreach (Data.Room room in location.GetChildren(DataSource)) {
                TreeNode child = new TreeNode(room.Name) {
                    Tag = room,
                    ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(new MenuItem[]{
                        new MenuItem("Raum löschen", new EventHandler(DelRoom_Click)){
                            Tag = room
                        new MenuItem("Schrank hinzufügen", new EventHandler(AddLocker_Click)){
                            Tag = room
                foreach (Data.Locker locker in room.GetChildren(this.DataSource)) {
                    TreeNode gradChild = new TreeNode(locker.Name) {
                        Tag = locker,
                        ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(new MenuItem[]{
                        new MenuItem("Schrank löschen", new EventHandler(DelLocker_Click)){
                            Tag = locker

有没有办法在 WPF 中构建类似的东西? (当然有 - 谁能给我提示?)

我相信(几乎?)您在 WinForms 中能做的一切都可以用 WPF 实现。请查看一些与 Treeview 和 HierarchicalDataTemplate 相关的教程。这里有一些有用的 - here and here