GCP 警报通知仅发送一次

GCP Alert notification is sending only once

我为 pubsub 订阅设置警报监控,如下所示:

我原以为它每 2 分钟触发一次,因为整个条件都满足。

但是我只收到过一次通知。我也试过 duration 1 分钟。仍然没有运气。 我在这里做错了什么? 或者我对这些术语的理解可能是错误的?

我想要的是: 每2分钟,当未确认的消息计数> x时,触发警报。

注意:我只是在这里屏蔽了 filter 字段,这是一个 subscription_id.

您当前的监控设置正在按预期工作,因为您只有一个时间序列和一个条件。根据 alert notification docs:

You can only receive multiple notifications if any of the following are true:

All conditions are met:

When all conditions are met, then for each time series that results in a condition being met, the policy sends a notification and creates an incident. For example, if you have a policy with two conditions and each condition is monitoring one time series, then when the policy is triggered, you receive two notifications and you see two incidents.

Any condition is met:

The policy sends a notification each time a new combination of conditions is met. For example, assume that ConditionA is met, that an incident opens, and that a notification is sent. If the incident is still open when a subsequent measurement meets both ConditionA and ConditionB, then another notification is sent.

If you create the policy by using the Google Cloud Console, then the default behavior is to send a notification when the condition is met.
