如何告诉 TypeScript 两个泛型类型相同?

How to tell TypeScript that two generic types are the same?


function scan<A>(this: A[], f: (a: A, x: A) => A): A[];
function scan<A, B>(this: A[], f: (a: B, x: A) => B, init?: B): B[] {
    if (init === undefined) {
        const result = [this[0]];
        for (let i = 1; i < this.length; i++) {
            result.push(f(result[i - 1], this[i]));
        return result;

    const result = [init];
    for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
        result.push(f(result[i], this[i]));
    return result;

注意当没有提供init时,泛型B应该和A一样。我如何将此告诉 TypeScript?目前,TypeScript 抱怨 A 不可分配给 B,反之亦然。


const SCAN_EMPTY_NO_INIT = 'Scan of empty array with no initial value';

type Reducer<A, B> = (acc: B, a: A) => B;

function scan<A>(this: A[], f: Reducer<A, A>): A[];
function scan<A, B>(this: A[], f: Reducer<A, B>, init: B): B[];
function scan<A, B>(this: A[], f: Reducer<A, A | B>, init?: B): (A | B)[] {
    const { length } = this;
    let i = 0, result = [typeof init === 'undefined' ? this[i++] : init];
    if (length < i) throw new TypeError(SCAN_EMPTY_NO_INIT);
    const j = i;

    while (i < length) {
        result.push(f(result[i - j], this[i]));

    return result;

请注意,无法使用实现签名调用该函数。因此,您不能以意外的方式使用此函数来创建 AB 的数组。

一个 overloaded function 有一组 调用签名声明 决定如何调用该函数,并且(假设该函数已实现而不仅仅是声明)一个单个 实现 。实现签名不可调用


// call signature
function scan<A>(this: A[], f: (a: A, x: A) => A): A[];


// implementation
function scan<A, B>(this: A[], f: (a: B, x: A) => B, init?: B): B[] {
    /* snip */


// call signatutes
function scan<A>(this: A[], f: (a: A, x: A) => A): A[];
function scan<A, B>(this: A[], f: (a: B, x: A) => B, init?: B): B[];

// implementation
function scan(...) {


TypeScript 的编译器无法通过分别检查每个调用签名来检查实现。有人建议在所有调用签名的 return 类型中的 microsoft/TypeScript#13235, but it was closed as too complex to implement. Instead, what the compiler does is make sure that the implementation signature parameters can handle the parameters from each of the call signatures, and make sure that the implementation signature return type can handle the return return types from each of the call signatures. That is, the return type can be the union 执行此操作。这不是类型安全的(因为您可能 return 为特定的调用签名输入了错误的类型),但是很方便。

无论好坏,这种松散的检查是 TypeScript 重载实现的工作方式。所以你在写重载函数的时候需要小心。


// implementation signature
function scan<A, B>(this: A[], f: (a: B | A, x: A) => A, init?: B | A) {
    if (init === undefined) {
        const result = [this[0]];
        for (let i = 1; i < this.length; i++) {
            result.push(f(result[i - 1], this[i]));
        return result;

    const result = [init];
    for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
        result.push(f(result[i], this[i]));
    return result;


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