如何在 python psycopg2 中使用 ilike 和通配符模式?

How to use ilike and wildcard pattern in python psycopg2?

我已经提到了这个 post and this post 但它没有帮助


import psycopg2
param_dic = {
    "host"      : "localhost",
    "database"  : "test",
    "user"      : "test",
    "password"  : "****"
conn = psycopg2.connect(**param_dic)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('select * from test where code in ("0091","0092","0FY00Z0","0FY00Z1","0FY00Z2","5051","5059")')

在上面的cursor execute命令中,无论我使用single quote还是double quotes都会得到如下所示的错误

ndefinedColumn Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 cursor.execute('select * from test where code in ("0091","0092","0FY00Z0","0FY00Z1","0FY00Z2","5051","5059")')

UndefinedColumn: column "0091" does not exist LINE 1: ...from test where code in ("0091","00...

当我将引号更改为 single quote 时,出现以下错误

cursor.execute('select * from test where code in ('0091','0092','0FY00Z0','0FY00Z1','0FY00Z2','5051','5059')') ^ SyntaxError: invalid token

当我尝试使用 ilike 运算符时,出现以下错误

cursor.execute ('select code from test where long_title ilike '%live%' and long_title ilike '%ransplan%'')

NameError: name 'live' is not defined

但是上述所有查询在我的 pgadmin postgresql 编辑器中都运行良好。所以 SQL 的原生形式没有问题,但是当我尝试使用 cursor.execute 在 python 中使用它们时,我遇到了问题。


Postgresql 要求字符串值用单引号引起来。

Python 字符串可以用单引号 ('...')、双引号 ("...") 或三重单引号或双引号 ('''...''') 括起来。

为了让 Postgresql 满意,请使用单引号来引用查询中的值,并将查询字符串与其他类型之一绑定。

cursor.execute("""select * from test where code in ('0091','0092','0FY00Z0','0FY00Z1','0FY00Z2','5051','5059')""")

cursor.execute ("""select code from test where long_title ilike '%live%' and long_title ilike '%ransplan%'""")

对 SQL 查询使用三引号是很常见的,但不是必须的,因为当查询包含单引号值或双引号标识符时它们会起作用。