Delphi 将 TArray<Strings> 转换为 DateTime

Delphi Convert TArray<Strings> to DateTime

我想将 TArray 中包含的所有值转换为 TDateTime 类型。 ConvertDS 和 ConvertDE 是 TDateTime 变量,StoringData 是 TArray

StoringData : TArray<String>;
  for x := 0 to High(StoringData) do
    for c := 0 to  High(StoringData[x]) do
         StoringData[x]   :=  TotTime;
         StoringData[c]   :=  DataCovertedS;

ConvertDS := (StrToDateTime(StoringData[c]));
ConvertDE := (StrToDateTime(StoringData[c+1]));


        Year  := Copy(aData,0,4);
        Month := Copy(aData,5,2);
        Day   := Copy(aData,7,2);
        DataCovertedS := Concat(Year+'-'+Month+'-'+Day);

当我尝试执行它时,StrToDateTime 不起作用。

原来真正的问题是“如何从 'YYYY-MM-DD' 格式的字符串中获取 TDateTime 值?”。

幸运的是,这并不难。每次在 API 中使用新函数时,您都会阅读其文档。在这种情况下,StrToDate 文档说明如下:

S must consist of two or three numbers, separated by the character defined by the DateSeparator global variable or its TFormatSettings equivalent. The order for month, day, and year is determined by the ShortDateFormat global variable or its TFormatSettings equivalent--possible combinations are m/d/y, d/m/y, and y/m/d.


// Define the date format:
var FS := TFormatSettings.Invariant;
FS.DateSeparator := '-';
FS.ShortDateFormat := 'y/m/d';

// Just an example of a string in this format:
const S = '2021-05-31';

// StrToDate will parse this using FS:
var D := StrToDate(S, FS);

// Test: