语法错误当我尝试 运行 后端代码时

Syntax error When I try to run backend code

当我尝试 运行 服务器时出现语法错误。但是没有任何错误的语法使用。请帮忙解决这个问题! Issue image

from blacksheep.server.application import Application
from blacksheep.server.controllers import Controller, get, post
from blacksheep.cookies import Cookie
from blacksheep.messages import Response
from easy_cryptography.hash.hash_funct import compare_hash
from app.configuration import AUTHORIZED
from models import Doctors
from pony.orm import *

class Home(Controller):
    def index(self):
        return self.view()

class Patients(Controller):

    def patients(self, login: str, password: str):
        if Doctors.exists(login) and (compare_hash(password, Doctors.get_for_update(login = login).password)):
            patients = Patients.select()
            response = self.view(patients=patients)
            return response
            return "{'message':'Неверный логин или пароль'}"

您似乎在 def index(self):

之前缺少 async 关键字

我看到的另一个错误是您没有从 @post 装饰器将参数正确绑定到 patients 方法。