用于隐藏行的慢 VBA 循环

Slow VBA loop for hiding rows

以下代码用于遍历一个范围内的所有行,并根据该单元格中的单元格值隐藏它们,以及下面的一个。如果两个单元格值 = "",则意图是隐藏整行。一切正常,但速度非常慢。任何关于更快的建议都将不胜感激。

Sheets("Morning Report Export Sheet").Activate

For x = 10 To 108
    If Cells(x, 9).Value = "" Then
        If Cells(x + 1, 9).Value = "" Then
            Cells(x, 9).EntireRow.Hidden = True
        End If
    End If


If Cells(x, 9).Value = "" And Cells(x + 1, 9).Value = "" Then



Sub HideRowsUsingArrays()
    Dim x As Long, HideRows As Range
    Dim StartRow As Long, EndRow As Long, Col As Long
    Col = 9
    StartRow = 10
    EndRow = 108
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Set sh = Sheets("Morning Report Export Sheet")
    Dim vArr() As Variant
    'Saving all values in the target range to an array
    vArr = sh.Cells(StartRow, Col).Resize(EndRow).Value
    'Looping through the array
    For x = LBound(vArr) To UBound(vArr) - 1
        'If val or next val is empty
        If vArr(x) = "" And vArr(x + 1) = "" Then
            'Add the corresponding row to HideRows range
            'Union causes an error if HideRows is nothing, so the first iteration cant use Union
            If HideRows Is Nothing Then
                Set HideRows = sh.Rows(x + StartRow - 1).EntireRow
                Set HideRows = Union(HideRows, sh.Rows(x + StartRow - 1).EntireRow)
            End If
        End If
    Next x
    'Hide the gathered rows
    If Not HideRows Is Nothing Then HideRows.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End Sub


Sub HideRowsUsingRanges()
    Dim cell As Range, HideRows As Range
    Dim StartRow As Long, EndRow As Long, Col As Long
    Col = 9
    StartRow = 10
    EndRow = 108
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Set sh = Sheets("Morning Report Export Sheet")
    Dim r As Range
    'Saving the target range
    set r = sh.Cells(StartRow, Col).Resize(EndRow)
    'Looping through each cell of the range
    For Each cell In r
        'If val or next val is empty
        If cell.Value = "" And cell.Offset(1).Value = "" Then
            'Add the corresponding row to HideRows range
            'Union causes an error if HideRows is nothing, so the first iteration cant use Union
            If HideRows Is Nothing Then
                Set HideRows = cell
                Set HideRows = Union(HideRows, cell)
            End If
        End If
    Next cell
    'Hide the gathered rows
    If Not HideRows Is Nothing Then HideRows.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End Sub