通过 Graphql 使用 RTK 查询

Use RTK Query with Graphql

到目前为止,我知道我需要构建自己的 baseQuery。我可以像这里的示例一样编写 graphql 查询和变更 https://rtk-query-docs.netlify.app/examples/react-with-graphql, will I get full type safety for queries and mutations if I add types to query.builder like this builder.query<Device, void> or I must use something like this https://www.graphql-code-generator.com/docs/plugins/typescript-graphql-request#simple-request-middleware。在后一种情况下,如果我为 graphql-request 库使用生成的钩子,我的 baseQuery 应该如何看待。

这是来自 2 的钩子示例:

import { GraphQLClient } from 'graphql-request';
import { getSdk } from './sdk'; // THIS FILE IS THE GENERATED FILE
async function main() {
  const client = new GraphQLClient('https://countries.trevorblades.com/');
  const sdk = getSdk(client);
  const { continents } = await sdk.continents(); // This is fully typed, based on the query
  console.log(`GraphQL data:`, continents);


    import {getSdk} from './sdk'
    const client = new GraphQLClient('https://countries.trevorblades.com/');
    const graphqlBaseQuery = (someGeneratedQueryOrMutation, client) => {
      const something = someGeneratedQueryOrMutation(client);
      const { continents } = await something.continents();
      return { data: continents };


编辑:现在 https://www.graphql-code-generator.com/docs/plugins/typescript-rtk-query

上有一个 Grahql Codegen 插件可用

其实我几天前就开始写代码生成器的插件了。 你可以在这里看到生成的结果: https://github.com/phryneas/graphql-code-generator/blob/5f9a2eefd81538782b791e0cc5df633935164a89/dev-test/githunt/types.rtk-query.ts#L406-L427

这需要您使用您选择的 graphql 库创建一个 api 和 baseQuery like this

一个configuration would look like this

    schema: ./dev-test/githunt/schema.json
    documents: ./dev-test/githunt/**/*.graphql
      - typescript
      - typescript-operations
      - typescript-rtk-query
      importBaseApiFrom: '../../packages/plugins/typescript/rtk-query/tests/baseApi'
      exportHooks: true

而且我认为出于拆分目的,它也适用于 near-operation-file 预设。

所有这些都还没有上游 - 我将在本周末尝试将其准备好,但不知道实际需要多少时间才能完成。

你可以检查回购协议,做一个本地构建并用类似 yalc 的东西安装它。

对于没有代码生成的更基本的方法,您可以查看 this example or for an a bit more advanced setup (but also without full code generation, more integrated with existing tooling) you could look at this PR