如何将数据复制到单元格中,制作 table 并向其中添加更多数据

How to copy data into cells, make a table and add more data to it

UI 看起来像:
Account:Wessex 银行 plc
日期:2021 年 2 月 28 日

日期: |帐号: |收入: |费用:|

2021 年 2 月 28 日 |威塞克斯银行 | 200 欧元 |
2021 年 2 月 28 日 |食品 | - | 175 欧元 |
提示:我想要一个包含 5-7 个预订的列表以及时间
进行新预订最新的预订将位于顶部,最后一行的第一个预订,例如当 table 从第 13 行开始并且我使用不同的帐户进行 5 个预订时,第一个预订将是最后17岁。


Sub MyBuchenMakro   
    Dim currDoc As Object
    Dim currSheet As Object
    Dim curr Cell As Object
    Dim destCell As Object  
    Dim oDate As Date
    Dim einnahmen As Currency
    Dim ausgaben As Currency  
    currDoc = ThisComponent
    currSheet = currDoc.sheets(0)  
    currCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(1, 5)
    destCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(1, 12)
    destCell.String = currCell.String  
    currCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(1, 6)
    destCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(2, 12)
    currCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(1, 7)
    destCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(3, 12)
    currCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(1, 8)
    destCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 12)
For i = 160 To 13 Step 1
  destCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(0, i)
  If destCell == "" Then
     GoTo Continue
  End if
destCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(0,i+1)
currCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(1,i)
destCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(1,i+1)
destCell.String = currCell.String
currCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(2,i)
destCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(2,i+1)
currCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(3,i)
destCell = currSheet.getCellByPosition(3,i+1)
 Next i
End Sub  

  [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Mw7pJ.png


Option Explicit 
Sub BuchenMacro
Dim oCurrentController As Variant   ' get Activesheet and select first cell of form
Dim oSheet As Variant   ' Activesheet
Dim oSourceRange As Variant ' Range B6:B9 - fields of input form
Dim oDataArray As Variant           ' Data from input form
    oCurrentController = ThisComponent.getCurrentController()
    oSheet = oCurrentController.getActiveSheet()
Rem Range with data
    oSourceRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("B6:B9")
Rem Data from this range as "array of arrays"
    oDataArray = oSourceRange.getDataArray()
Rem To prevent insert empty row - validate source cells:
Rem If 3 first cells are empty then stop:
    If Trim(oDataArray(0)(0))+Trim(oDataArray(1)(0))+Trim(oDataArray(2)(0)) = "" Then Exit Sub 
Rem "Transpose" source data to single row:
    oDataArray = Array(Array(oDataArray(3)(0), oDataArray(0)(0), oDataArray(1)(0), oDataArray(2)(0)))
Rem Insert new row after header and shift all other rows down:
    oSheet.getRows().insertByIndex(12, 1)
Rem Paste data from form to this new row
    oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 12, 3, 12).setDataArray(oDataArray)
Rem Clear input cells to prevent duplicates
Rem (Only the data is cleared, the formulas remain in place. 
Rem Put in cell B9 the formula =TEXT(TODAY();"DD.MM.YYYY")
Rem and it will always show the current date)
Rem Select first cell
Rem Deselect cell
End Sub