将时间 属性 设置为 postgis 几何的 m 维或单独的属性

set the time property as the m-dimension of postgis geometry or as a separate attribute


psql (PostgreSQL) 12.7 (Ubuntu 12.7-1.pgdg18.04+1)
postgis          | 3.1.1

我使用空间数据库的目的是快速查询specified time scopespace boundary内的GPS轨迹。目前我的数据基本信息是如下:

-- geometry table column (there are 50,000 rows in table mpart5w-wkt)
test=# \d "mpart5w-wkt"
                       Table "public.mpart5w-wkt"
  Column   |            Type            | Collation | Nullable | Default
 driver_id | character varying          |           |          |
 order_id  | character varying          |           |          |
 geom      | geometry(LineStringM,4326) |           |          |
    "mpart5w-wkt_driver_id_idx" btree (driver_id)
    "mpart5w-wkt_geom_idx" gist (geom gist_geometry_ops_nd)

-- meta info
test=# select * from geometry_columns where f_table_name='mpart5w-wkt';

 f_table_catalog | f_table_schema | f_table_name | f_geometry_column | coord_dimension | srid |    type
 test            | public         | mpart5w-wkt  | geom              |               3 | 4326 | LINESTRINGM
(1 row)

-- sample data: LINESTRING M (lon lat timestamp)
test=# select st_astext(geom) from "mpart5w-wkt" limit 1;

 LINESTRING M (104.04538 30.70745 1538402919,104.04538 30.70744 1538402928,104.04537 30.70745 1538402938,104.04536 30.70743 1538402948,104.04537 30.7074 1538402958, ...)

强调一下,geom是(LineStringM, 4326)的几何类型。 GIS索引已建立在geom列上。



CREATE INDEX [indexname] ON [tablename]
    USING BRIN ([geome_col] brin_geometry_inclusion_ops_4d);

同时,我们可以使用以下语法获取几何类型的 n 维 gist 索引:

CREATE INDEX [indexname] ON [tablename] USING GIST ([geometryfield] gist_geometry_ops_nd);

所以,我想构建 4D gist 索引是有帮助的,只要提供 ZM 维度。

functions 的大部分描述中,“此功能支持 3d 并且不会删除 z-index。”提到m-index就不提了,而我对m-index没有更多的了解。



create table "part5w-wkt"(
    driver_id varchar,
    order_id varchar,
    geom geometry(Linestring, 4326), 
    min_time timestamp,
    max_time timestamp

-- example (both start_time and end_time are parameters)
select * from "mpart5w-wkt" 
where st_intersects(
    ST_MakeEnvelope(104.067, 30.657, 104.083, 30.671, 4326)
) and (
    (min_time < start_time and start_time < max_time) 
    (min_time < end_time and end_time < max_time)

第二个问题是boundary box如何使用2D-index?

毕竟,没有证据表明使用具有主旨索引的 m 维比使用具有单独时间属性的 2D 几何更方便。所以,我决定先在2D-index上做个测试

-- test 1
explain analyze
select count(order_id) from "mpart5w-wkt" 
where st_intersects(
    ST_MakeEnvelope(104.067, 30.657, 104.083, 30.671, 4326)

-- test 2
explain analyze
select count(order_id) from "mpart5w-wkt" 
where st_intersects(
        'polygon((104.067 30.671, 104.083 30.671, 104.083 30.657, 104.067 30.657, 104.067 30.671))', 

-- test 3
explain analyze
select count(order_id) from "mpart5w-wkt" 
where st_intersects(
    'SRID=4326;polygon((104.067 30.671, 104.083 30.671, 104.083 30.657, 104.067 30.657, 104.067 30.671))'::geometry

-- almost the same result
 Finalize Aggregate  (cost=547292.05..547292.06 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=817.698..824.482 rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  Gather  (cost=547291.84..547292.05 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=817.380..824.451 rows=3 loops=1)
         Workers Planned: 2
         Workers Launched: 2
         ->  Partial Aggregate  (cost=546291.84..546291.85 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=804.706..804.707 rows=1 loops=3)
               ->  Parallel Seq Scan on "mpart5w-wkt"  (cost=0.00..546291.83 rows=2 width=19) (actual time=97.585..803.734 rows=4394 loops=3)
                     Filter: st_intersects(st_force2d(geom), '0103000020E610000001000000050000003F355EBA49045A40D578E92631A83E403F355EBA49045A40B29DEFA7C6AB3E405A643BDF4F055A40B29DEFA7C6AB3E405A643BDF4F055A40D578E92631A83E403F355EBA49045A40D578E92631A83E40'::geometry)
                     Rows Removed by Filter: 12272
 Planning Time: 0.268 ms
   Functions: 17
   Options: Inlining true, Optimization true, Expressions true, Deforming true
   Timing: Generation 2.771 ms, Inlining 99.859 ms, Optimization 117.378 ms, Emission 74.123 ms, Total 294.132 ms
 Execution Time: 825.745 ms
(14 rows)

然而,测试显示结果几乎相同,即使我做了很多不同的测试,空间索引也不起作用。删除 st_force2d() 函数效率较低。


对了,如果经常使用lon-lat boundary box,同时又需要计算距离,应该用4326和3857中的哪个作为SRID来存储GPS轨迹几何?

您可以通过在索引创建中使用函数 ST_Force2D 告诉索引将其已经使用 geom 的记录排序为二维,这样数据库就不需要这样做了查询时间:

CREATE INDEX idx_part5w_wkt_geom ON "part5w-wkt" 
USING gist (ST_Force2D(geom) gist_geometry_ops_nd);

如果您只是省略 CREATE INDEX 中的 ST_Force2D 也会产生类似的效果,只要您以后也不会在 WHERE 子句中使用它。长话短说:列的索引方式和它们的查询方式必须匹配,否则索引可能不会被使用。
