PysimpleGUI Calc 未正确使用函数

PysimpleGUI Calc not using function properly

嘿,每个人都在绞尽脑汁想弄清楚我的代码有什么问题,它没有 return 任何错误它似乎只是跳过了计算部分并打印了我包含的错误消息以指示错误的用户输入,即使我的用户输入有效。

我试过移动有关变量的 if 和定义语句,看看是否可行。


#Weight Converter Calculator with GUI

import PySimpleGUI as sg

def h():
    h = height
def g():
    g = diameter
    if g == 9:
        diameter = .7
    if g == 11:
        diameter == .4
    if g == 11.5:
        diameter = .38    
def u():
    u = typeunit
    if u == ft:
        typeunit = 1
    if u == rl:
        typeunit = 50
    if u == pl:
        typeunit = 450    
def a():
    a = amount

def calc_weight(h, g, u, a):
        h, g, u, a = float(h), float(g), float(u), float(a)
        h = height
        a = amount
        g = diameter
        u = typeunit
        if g == 9:
            g = .7
        if g == 11:
            g = .4
        if g == 11.5:
            g = .38
        if u == 'ft':
            u = 1
        if u == 'rl':
            u = 50
        if u == 'pl':
            u = 450
        weight = h * g * u * a
        if weight >= 47001:
            standard = 'too heavy for a truck! '
        elif weight <= 47000:
            standard = 'will fit onto a truck! '
    except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError):
        return None
        return f'Weight: {weight}, {standard}'

layout = [
    [sg.Text('Please enter your desired Mesh Height, Gauge, Unit, Amount')],
    [sg.Text('Mesh Height in FT', size =(15, 1)), sg.Input(key = h)],
    [sg.Text('Gauge 9, 11, 11.5', size =(15, 1)), sg.Input(key = g)],
    [sg.Text('Unit "ft" for sq ft, "rl" for roll, and "pl" for pallet', size =(15, 3)), sg.Input(key = u)],
    [sg.Text('Amount', size =(15, 1)), sg.Input(key = a)],
    [sg.Text('', key='weight', size=(20, 2))],
    [sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()]
window = sg.Window('Chain Link Weight Calculator', layout)
while True:
    event, value = window.Read()
    if event == 'Submit':
        weight = calc_weight(value[h], value[g], value[u], value[a],)
        if weight:
            window.Element('weight').Update(weight, text_color='white')
            window.Element('weight').Update('Input is incorrect! ', text_color='red')
    elif event == 'Cancel':


  • 使用函数名作为元素的键,如hgua等函数无用
  • 变量 heightamountdiametertypeunit 未在函数 calc_weight
  • 中定义
  • 变量 hgua 在函数 calc_weight
  • 中重置


import PySimpleGUI as sg

def find_true(sequence):
    return sequence.index(True)

def calc_weight(values):
        h, a = float(values['h']), float(values['a'])
        index1 = find_true([values[key] for key in ('G1', 'G2', 'G3')])
        index2 = find_true([values[key] for key in ('U1', 'U2', 'U3')])
        g, u = guages[index1], units[index2]
        weight = h*g*u*a
        standard = 'too heavy for a truck!' if weight>= 47001 else 'will fit onto a truck!'
        result = f'Weight: {weight}, {standard}'
        result = None
    return result

guages = [0.7, 0.4, 0.38]
units  = [1, 50, 450]


layout = [
    [sg.Text('Please enter your desired Mesh Height, Gauge, Unit, Amount')],
    [sg.Text('Mesh Height in FT', size =(15, 1)), sg.Input(key='h')],
    [sg.Text('Gauge', size=(15, 1)),
     sg.Radio("9", 'Guage', size=(8, 1), key='G1', default=True),
     sg.Radio("11", 'Guage', size=(8, 1), key='G2'),
     sg.Radio("11.5", 'Guage', size=(8, 1), key='G3'),],
    [sg.Text('Unit', size=(15, 1)),
     sg.Radio("sq ft", 'Unit', size=(8, 1), key='U1', default=True),
     sg.Radio("roll", 'Unit', size=(8, 1), key='U2'),
     sg.Radio("pallet", 'Unit', size=(8, 1), key='U3'),],
    [sg.Text('Amount', size =(15, 1)), sg.Input(key='a')],
    [sg.Text('', key='weight', size=(45, 2))],
    [sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()]

window = sg.Window('Chain Link Weight Calculator', layout)

while True:

    event, values = window.Read()

    if event in (sg.WINDOW_CLOSED, 'Cancel'):
    elif event == 'Submit':
        weight = calc_weight(values)
        if weight:
            window['weight'].update(weight, text_color='white')
            window['weight'].update('Input is incorrect!', text_color='white')
