
How to set PLCrashReporter.setCrashCallbacks in swift?

我试图在 swift 中使用 setCrashCallbacks 调用设置 PLCrashReporter,但不知何故显然没有调用回调。我可以看到我所有的 NSLog 调用都出现在 Console.app 中。我还可以在下次发布时看到文本格式的报告。但是我在回调中的 NSLog 调用从未在 Console.app.


如何在 Swift 中执行此操作?甚至可以在 Swift 中执行此操作吗?或者我需要去 Objetive-C?

// Added via SPM
import CrashReporter

// global scope function
func handleSignalForCrashReport(_ siginfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<siginfo_t>?, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<ucontext_t>?, _ something: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
    // This never shows ?
    NSLog("crash rep handleSignalForCrashReport")

    // Do my thing here ...

// global scope variable
var callbacks = PLCrashReporterCallbacks(version: 0, context: nil, handleSignal: handleSignalForCrashReport)

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    func setupCrashReporter() {

        let config = PLCrashReporterConfig(signalHandlerType: .mach, symbolicationStrategy: .all)
        NSLog("crash rep 1")
        guard let crashReporter = PLCrashReporter(configuration: config) else {
            NSLog("crash rep 1.1")
        NSLog("crash rep 2")

        do {
            try crashReporter.enableAndReturnError()
            NSLog("crash rep 3")
        } catch {
            NSLog("crash rep 4 Warning: Could not enable crash reporter: \(error.localizedDescription)")

        if crashReporter.hasPendingCrashReport() {
            do {
                let data = try crashReporter.loadPendingCrashReportDataAndReturnError()
                let report = try PLCrashReport(data: data)
                guard let reportText = PLCrashReportTextFormatter .stringValue(for: report, with: PLCrashReportTextFormatiOS) else {
                    NSLog("crash rep 5 report text nil")
                NSLog("crash rep 6 previous report: \(reportText)")
                try crashReporter.purgePendingCrashReportAndReturnError()
                NSLog("crash rep 7")
            } catch {
                NSLog("crash rep Error: \(error)")
        NSLog("crash rep finished installation")

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {


        return true

顺便说一句,这是来自官方存储库的 objective-C demo file,我从中得到了灵感。

我找不到使用 PLCrashReporter 的好方法。在花了几天时间调查之后,我最终转向了 KSCrash,它非常好并且高度可扩展。

如果有人有 PLCrashReported 的解决方案,我会很乐意将其作为答案 ✅

import KSCrash_Installations
import KSCrash_Recording

KSCrash.sharedInstance().deleteBehaviorAfterSendAll = KSCDeleteNever
KSCrash.sharedInstance()?.maxReportCount = 1
// MyCrashInstallation could be any subclass of KSCrashInstallation
var installation: KSCrashInstallation? = MyCrashInstallation.shared
installation?.appleReportStyle = KSAppleReportStyleUnsymbolicated
installation?.onCrash = { writer in
    let userId:String = "example123"
    let now = "20210831"
    writer?.pointee.addStringElement(writer, "my_key_userid", "\(userId)")
    writer?.pointee.addStringElement(writer, "my_error_date", "\(now)")