如何在 cassandra 3.11.9+ dynamic_snitch_badness_threshold cassandra.yaml 参数上禁用 dynamic_snitch

how to disable dynamic_snitch on cassandra 3.11.9+ dynamic_snitch_badness_threshold cassandra.yaml param

谁能解释应该输入哪个值才能禁用 dynamic_snitch? 我不确定是 0 还是高数 (50+?)

I see this information on cassandra.yaml:
# controls how often to perform the more expensive part of host score
# calculation
dynamic_snitch_update_interval_in_ms: 100 
# controls how often to reset all host scores, allowing a bad host to
# possibly recover
dynamic_snitch_reset_interval_in_ms: 600000
# if set greater than zero, this will allow
# 'pinning' of replicas to hosts in order to increase cache capacity.
# The badness threshold will control how much worse the pinned host has to be
# before the dynamic snitch will prefer other replicas over it.  This is
# expressed as a double which represents a percentage.  Thus, a value of
# 0.2 means Cassandra would continue to prefer the static snitch values
# until the pinned host was 20% worse than the fastest.
dynamic_snitch_badness_threshold: 1.0


您需要查看 documentation 内容:

dynamic_snitch: whether the dynamic snitch should be enabled or disabled.

由于某些原因,cassandra.yaml 中没有记录它,但您可以在 source code 中找到它。所以只需将此参数设置为 false