Azure Durable Function - 最终重试逻辑

Azure Durable Function - final retry logic

我正在构建一个持久函数,如果 activity 在 maxNumberOfAttempts


调试时,我看到 DurableOrchestrationContext class 有一个名为 History 的 属性,但我无法访问它,因为它是内部的。

此时我能想到的唯一选择是使用 Azure Monitor group/summarize 通过 ExecutionId 记录日志。我不喜欢这种方法,因为 Azure Monitor 不应该知道或关心函数中配置的 maxNumberOfAttempts


我能够根据@peter-bons 提供的信息解决这个问题:

When retrying did not result in any successful call to the function a FunctionFailedException is thrown.


public async Task RunOrchestrator(
    [OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context, ILogger log)
    var retryOptions = new RetryOptions(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), 2)
        BackoffCoefficient = 2

    var request = context.GetInput<UserRequest>();         

    var tasks = new List<Task>
        context.CallActivityWithRetryAsync(nameof(Example1Activity), retryOptions, request),
        context.CallActivityWithRetryAsync(nameof(Example2Activity), retryOptions, request)

        await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
    catch(FunctionFailedException e)            
        // Azure Monitor will alert on this
        log.LogError(e, "Critical Error: {identity}", request.Identity);
        // this will tell us all the tasks that failed
        foreach(var task in tasks.FindAll(t => t.IsFaulted))
            log.LogError(task.Exception, "Failed activity for '{identity}'", request.Identity);    