执行 [adsisearcher] 并存储在哈希表或字典集合列表中的最快方法

Quickest way to do a [adsisearcher] and store in a hashtable or dictionary collection list

我正在使用 [adsisearcher] 获取 AD 用户信息,因为它比 get-aduser 快得多。我也在尝试弄清楚如何使用 LINQ 或任何其他快速的替代方法将它添加到哈希表或字典中。对我来说,我正在努力获得最佳 performance/most 效率,因为长期目标是将数据导入联系人列表。


$Start = Get-Date

$searcher.Sort.PropertyName = "sn"
$searcher.Filter = "(&(extensionAttribute2=customValue)(|(mobile=*)(telephonenumber=*)))"
$colProplist = "givenname","extensionattribute2","initials","mobile","telephonenumber","sn","displayname","company","title","mail","department","thumbnailphoto","samaccountname"
foreach ($i in $colPropList){$searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($i) > $NULL }

$End = Get-Date

Write-Host "User info took $($Start - $End) seconds"
Write-Host ""


Write-Host "Creating User Hashtable"
$Start = Get-Date


$Users = $searcher.FindAll() | ForEach-Object{
    New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{

        'FirstName' = $_.properties.givenname -join ''
        'MiddleName' = $_.properties.initials -join ''
        'LastName' = $_.properties.sn -join ''
        'DisplayName' = $_.properties.displayname -join ''
        'SamAccountName' = $_.properties.samaccountname -join ''
        'Email' = $_.properties.mail -join ''
        'Mobile' = $_.properties.mobile -join ''
        'TelephoneNumber' = $_.properties.telephonenumber -join ''
        'Title' = $_.properties.title -join ''
        'Dept' = $_.properties.department -join ''
        'Company' = $_.properties.company -join ''
        'Photo' = $_.properties.thumbnailphoto -join ''
        'ExtensionAttribute2' = $_.properties.extensionattribute2 -join ''

     } | Select-Object -Property FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, DisplayName, SamAccountName, Email, Mobile, TelephoneNumber, Title, Dept, Company, Photo, ExtensionAttribute2

$End = Get-Date

Write-Host "User HashTable took $($Start - $End) seconds"
Write-Host ""

我听说使用 LINQ 非常快,但我在正确使用语法方面遇到了困难,而且我似乎找不到很好的文档或如何使用它的示例。

因此,就像我的评论一样,我个人认为您的脚本没有太大的改进空间。我修改了一些小东西。您应该使用 measure-command 进行测试,看看代码是使用经典 foreach 循环还是使用 foreach-object 循环运行得更快。

我还为强类型 [string] 更改了 -join '',我不确定,但可能会更快。

回答你的问题,为什么 -join '' 在那里,这是因为每个 属性 都是 ResultPropertyValueCollection

IsPublic IsSerial Name                          BaseType                                 
-------- -------- ----                          --------                                 
True     False    ResultPropertyValueCollection System.Collections.ReadOnlyCollectionBase

通过执行 -join '',您将每个 属性 的值转换为字符串:

PS /> ($z.samaccountname -join '').GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name   BaseType
-------- -------- ----   --------
True     True     String System.Object

PS /> ([string] $z.samaccountname).GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name   BaseType
-------- -------- ----   --------
True     True     String System.Object  

好吧,基本上,如果您尝试导出数据而不将这些值转换为 string 到 Csv,例如,您最终会得到类似这个(你会看到每个值的类型):

$start = Get-Date
$end   = Get-Date

$searcher = [adsisearcher]::new()
$searcher.Sort.PropertyName = "sn"
$searcher.Filter = "(&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)(extensionAttribute2=*)(|(mobile=*)(telephonenumber=*)))"

$colProplist = @(
    'givenname', 'extensionattribute2'
    'initials', 'mobile', 'telephonenumber'
    'sn', 'displayname', 'company'
    'title', 'mail', 'department'
    'thumbnailphoto', 'samaccountname'

Write-Host "User info took $($Start - $End) seconds"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Creating User Hashtable"

$users = foreach($user in $searcher.FindAll()) {
    $i = $user.properties

        FirstName           = [string] $i.givenname
        MiddleName          = [string] $i.initials 
        LastName            = [string] $i.sn 
        DisplayName         = [string] $i.displayname 
        SamAccountName      = [string] $i.samaccountname 
        Email               = [string] $i.mail 
        Mobile              = [string] $i.mobile 
        TelephoneNumber     = [string] $i.telephonenumber 
        Title               = [string] $i.title 
        Dept                = [string] $i.department 
        Company             = [string] $i.company 
        Photo               = [string] $i.thumbnailphoto 
        ExtensionAttribute2 = [string] $i.extensionattribute2
$End = Get-Date

Write-Host "User HashTable took $($Start - $End) seconds"
Write-Host ""