Twitter API 2.0 - 无法获取 user.fields

Twitter API 2.0 - Unable to fetch user.fields

我正在使用 API 2.0 版,无法获取 user.fields 结果。所有其他参数似乎都正确返回结果。我正在关注 this documentation.

url = ""

query_params = {
    "query": "APPL",
    "max_results": "10",
    "tweet.fields": "created_at,lang,text,author_id",
    "user.fields": "name,username,created_at,location",
    "expansions": "",

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=query_params).json()


  'author_id': '1251347502013521925',
  'text': 'All conspiracy. But watch for bad news on Apple.  Such a vulnerable stocktechnically for the biggest market cap @ .1T ( Thanks Jay). This is the glue for the bulls. But, they stopped innovating when Steve died, built a fancy office and split the stock. $appl',
  'lang': 'en',
  'created_at': '2021-06-05T02:33:48.000Z',
  'id': '1401004298738311168',
  'referenced_tweets': [{
    'type': 'retweeted',
    'id': '1401004298738311168'



您的查询确实 return 了正确的数据。我自己测试了这个。


  "data": [
      "created_at": "2021-06-05T02:33:48.000Z",
      "lang": "en",
      "id": "1401004298738311168",
      "text": "All conspiracy. But watch for bad news on Apple.  Such a vulnerable stocktechnically for the biggest market cap @ .1T ( Thanks Jay). This is the glue for the bulls. But, they stopped innovating when Steve died, built a fancy office and split the stock. $appl",
      "author_id": "1251347502013521925",
      "referenced_tweets": [
          "type": "retweeted",
          "id": "1401004298738311168"
  "includes": {
    "users": [
        "name": "Gary Casper",
        "id": "1251347502013521925",
        "username": "Hisel1979",
        "created_at": "2020-07-11T13:39:58.000Z"

您提供的示例结果来自 data 对象。但是,展开的对象数据将嵌套在 includes 对象中(在您的例子中是 nameusernamelocation)。可以通过author_id字段引用相应的user对象。