
Counting sort implementation that modifies the input array

the Wikipedia page about Counting Sort 上,它指出:

It is possible to modify the algorithm so that it places the items into sorted order within the same array that was given to it as the input, using only the count array as auxiliary storage; however, the modified in-place version of counting sort is not stable.










这是 JavaScript 中的算法,使用从 0 到 9 的值:

const len = 25;
const array = [];
for (let i=0; i<len; ++i) {
console.log("Original array:", String(array));

const cp = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
for (const val of array) {
console.log("Counts:", String(cp));

for (let i=cp.length-1; i>0; --i) {
  cp[i] = cp[i-1];
for (let i=1; i<cp.length; ++i) {
console.log("Start pointers: ", String(cp));

let pos=0;
while(pos < array.length) {
  let v = array[pos];
  let dest = cp[v];
  if (dest <= pos) {
    if (dest < pos) {
      // v belongs at an earlier position. Swap it into place
      array[pos] = array[dest];
      array[dest] = v;
    } else {
      // v belongs at the same position. don't visit it again
    // increment the pointer for this value
    cp[v] = dest+1;
  } else {
    // v belongs at a later position.  Something later must belong here.
    // Skip it and let the later item swap in when we get there

console.log("Sorted array:", String(array));

完全未经测试的 C++ 代码

#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>

void counting_sort(std::vector<uint8_t>& values) {
    std::array<uint8_t , 256> count;

    for(auto& value : values)
        count[value]++; // count

    std::partial_sum(count.begin(), count.end(), count.begin()); // sum

    std::array<uint8_t , 256> position;

    position[0] = 0; // first position of first value
    std::copy_n(count.begin(), count.size()-1, std::next(position.begin())); // moved by one

    int pos = 0;

    while (pos < count.size()) {
        while (count[pos] > position[pos]) {
            auto& from = position[pos]; // current position
            auto& to = position[values[from]]; // final position
            if (to != from)
              std::swap(values[from], // from current position
                        values[to]);  // where the value needs to go
            to++; // update destination position


0 // pos
[3,2,1] // values
[0,1,1,1] // count
[_0_,1,2,3] // count
[_0_,0,1,2] // position
1 // pos
[0,_1_,2,3] // count
[0,_0_,1,2] // position

values[position[pos]] -> 3
position[3] -> 2
position[pos] -> 0
[0,0,1,_2_] // position
[0,0,1,_3_] // position

1 // pos
[0,_1_,2,3] // count
[0,_0_,1,3] // position

values[position[pos]] -> 1
position[1] -> 0
position[pos] -> 0

positions are the same so update to
[0,_0_,1,3] // position
[0,_1_,1,3] // position

[0,_1_,2,3] // count
[0,_1_,1,3] // position
update pos
pos = 2
[0,1,_2_,3] // count
[0,1,_1_,3] // position
positions are the same to update to
[0,1,_1_,3] // position
[0,1,_2_,3] // position

count&position are the same so update pos
pos = 3
count&position are the same so update pos
pos = 4