如何用boost qi解析rtsp url?

How to parse rtsp url with boost qi?

我正在尝试像这样解析 RTSP-url :
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
qi::int_parser<unsigned char, 16, 2, 2> hex_byte;

struct UrlParser : qi::grammar<stringIterator_t, UrlStruct()>
    UrlParser() : UrlParser::base_type(start)
        using boost::spirit::int_;
        namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;

        using boost::spirit::ascii::char_;
        // Parses http://, rtsp://, ftp://....
        protocol %= +(char_ - ':') >> "://"; 

        // Parsers for url decoding
        encodeChar.add("+", ' ');
        passwordRule = *((encodeChar | "%" >> hex_byte | char_) - '@');
        loginRule = *((encodeChar | "%" >> hex_byte | char_) - ':');

        // Parses user:pass@, user:@, :pass@
        credentials %= loginRule >> ':' >> passwordRule >> '@';

        // Parses host name or ip address in
        host %= +(!(char_("/") | (char_(":")) >> +ascii::digit >> (char_("/") | boost::spirit::eoi)) >> char_);

        // Parses port number in ":80", string
        port %= ':' >> int_;

        // Parses script path in "/video.cgi?resulution=1" string.
        path %= *(char_ - boost::spirit::eol);

        start %= -protocol
            >> -credentials
            >> host
            >> -port
            >> path

    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, UrlStruct()>                 start;
    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>               protocol;
    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, UrlStruct::stringPair_t()>       credentials;
    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>               host;
    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, int()>                       port;
    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>               path;

    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>               loginRule;
    qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>               passwordRule;
    qi::symbols<char const, char const>                     encodeChar;


UrlStruct 看起来像这样:

struct UrlStruct
    typedef boost::optional<std::string>                    optString_t;
    typedef boost::optional<int>                            port_t;
    typedef boost::fusion::vector<std::string, std::string> stringPair_t;
    typedef boost::optional<stringPair_t>                   credentials_t;

    optString_t         protocol;

    credentials_t       credentials;

    std::string         host;

    port_t              port;

    std::string         path;

当我有这样的 url 时,这是有效的:


但是当我的密码中有“@”时,这是行不通的。 URL 例如:



相对明显的解决方法是 URL-转义 @:

Live On Coliru

UrlParser p;
for (std::string const input : {
    stringIterator_t f = begin(input), l = end(input);
    Ast::UrlStruct u;
    if (parse(f, l, p, u)) {
        std::cout << "Parsed: " << u << "\n";
    } else {
        std::cout << "Failed\n";


Parsed: ( rtsp  (admin admin) wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net -- /vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov)
Parsed: ( rtsp  (admin adm@in) wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net -- /vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov)
Parsed: ( rtsp  (admin adm) in@wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net -- /vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov)

如您所见,第二个(对 @ 使用 %40)解析得很好。



host = +(
    !(char_("/") | (char_(":")) >> +ascii::digit >> (char_("/") | boost::spirit::eoi))
    >> char_);


host = +(~char_("/") - (port >> ('/' | qi::eoi)));

As an aside, I think the ":nnnn" is not a port unless it is at the very end of the hostname might be wrong and potentially unsafe. I suppose you have it there so you can still accept IPV6 addresses? See also What is the nicest way to parse this in C++?

同样,您的 password 规则有一个减法解析器:

password = *((encodeChar | "%" >> hex_byte | char_) - '@');

你要的近;你不想禁止 '@' 本身,但前提是后面跟着一个有效的主机生产:

login    = *((encodeChar | "%" >> hex_byte | char_) - ':');
password = *((encodeChar | "%" >> hex_byte | char_) - 
        ('@' >> host >> eoh));

我为 end-of-host 介绍了一个漂亮的速记:

auto eoh = qi::copy('/' | qi::eoi);

这是为了删除与 host 规则的重复。请注意,现在我们通过确保 @ 不会出现在主机部分来完成工作(根据 RFC,可能有更多字符要排除,但这是使您的测试通过的最低要求):

host = +(~char_("@/") - (portSpec >> eoh));


Live On Coliru

#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
#include <boost/optional/optional_io.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <iomanip>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;

namespace Ast {
    struct UrlStruct {
        using optString_t = boost::optional<std::string>;
        using port_t      = boost::optional<int>;
        struct Credentials { // more natural, for ease of debug output really
            std::string login, password;
        using credentials_t = boost::optional<Credentials>;

        optString_t   protocol;
        credentials_t credentials;
        std::string   host;
        port_t        port;
        std::string   path;
    using boost::fusion::operator<<;
} // namespace Ast

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Ast::UrlStruct::Credentials, login, password)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Ast::UrlStruct, protocol, credentials, host, port, path)
using stringIterator_t = std::string::const_iterator;

struct UrlParser : qi::grammar<stringIterator_t, Ast::UrlStruct()>
    UrlParser() : UrlParser::base_type(start)
        namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;

        using boost::spirit::ascii::char_;

        // Parses http://, rtsp://, ftp://....
        protocol = +(char_ - ':') >> "://"; 

        // Parsers for url decoding
        encodeChar.add("+", ' ');
        auto eoh = qi::copy('/' | qi::eoi);
        login    = *((encodeChar | "%" >> hex_byte | char_) - ':');
        password = *((encodeChar | "%" >> hex_byte | char_) - 
                ('@' >> host >> eoh));

        // Parses user:pass@, user:@, :pass@
        credentials = login >> ':' >> password >> '@';

        // Parses host name or ip address in
        host = +(~char_("@/") - (portSpec >> eoh));

        // Parses port number in ":80", string
        portSpec = ':' >> port_number;

        // Parses script path in "/video.cgi?resulution=1" string.
        path = *(char_ - qi::eol);

        start = -protocol
            >> -credentials
            >> host
            >> -portSpec
            >> path


  qi::rule<stringIterator_t, Ast::UrlStruct()>              start;
  qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>                 protocol;
  qi::rule<stringIterator_t, Ast::UrlStruct::Credentials()> credentials;
  qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>                 host;
  qi::rule<stringIterator_t, int()>                         portSpec;
  qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()>                 path;

  qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()> login;
  qi::rule<stringIterator_t, std::string()> password;
  qi::symbols<char const, char const>       encodeChar;

  qi::uint_parser<uint8_t, 16, 2, 2> hex_byte;
  qi::uint_parser<uint16_t> port_number;

int main() {
    UrlParser p;
    for (std::string const input : {
        stringIterator_t f = begin(input), l = end(input);
        Ast::UrlStruct u;
        if (parse(f, l, p, u)) {
            std::cout << "Yay: " << u << "\n";
        } else {
            std::cout << "Nay\n";


        if (f != l) {
            std::cout << "Remaining: " << std::quoted(std::string(f, l)) << "\n";


Yay: ( rtsp  (admin admin) wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net -- /vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov)
Yay: ( rtsp  (admin adm@in) wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net -- /vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov)
Yay: ( rtsp  (admin adm@in) wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net -- /vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov)


  • 端口确实应该限制为 16 位范围内的正整数。

  • 使用BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG更轻松地调试语法

  • 不要使用实现细节 (fusion::vector)。取而代之的是 std::pair,或者实际上是另一个改编的结构,就像我所做的那样。这使得实施 operator<< 以进行快速调试变得不那么痛苦。

  • 您在输入结束检测方面存在轻微的不一致。在大多数地方您使用 eoi,但在 path 中您接受直到 eol。您可能想让事情变得更加一致,或者决定从 eol 开始的任何输入的含义。

  • 现实生活中的 URI 有时包含登录名但不包含密码(也没有 :@)。我认为您的语法可能支持这一点?

  • 现在解析器的一个结构性缺陷是效率。所有负面的前瞻可能导致比预期更多的回溯。 - (':' >> port) 应该没问题,但 - ('@' >> host) 可能会看到很多字符。实际上,我不认为这应该是一个问题(当然除非你经常使用带有许多&符号的很长的密码)。

    但严肃地说,我认为这是解析器试图在同一抽象级别上做太多事情的标志。如果分而治之,事情会容易得多:先schema://HOSTSTUFF/PATHSTUFF,然后HOSTSTUFF I linked earlier。 path/query 部分也是如此,因为那里有无数有趣的东西,当你第一次分离 URI 的顶层分支时,你真的不需要费心。