在 pubSub 回调之外使用 Redis.Message
Use Redis.Message from outside of the pubSub callback
在documentation for Hedis中给出了使用pubSub
pubSub :: PubSub -> (Message -> IO PubSub) -> Redis ()
pubSub (subscribe ["chat"]) $ \msg -> do
putStrLn $ "Message from " ++ show (msgChannel msg)
return $ unsubscribe ["chat"]
鉴于 pubSub
return 是一个 Redis ()
,是否可以在代码的下方从回调外部重新使用此 msg
我正在从在 ScottyM
monad 中运行的 Scotty 端点调用 pubSub
,应该 return(长话短说)一个 json msg
myEndpoint :: ScottyM ()
myEndpoint =
post "/hello/world" $ do
data :: MyData <- jsonData
runRedis redisConn $ do
pubSub (subscribe ["channel"]) $ \msg -> do
doSomethingWith msg
return $ unsubscribe ["channel"]
-- how is it possible to retrieve `msg` from here?
json $ somethingBuiltFromMsg
或者,有没有办法在回调中使用 Scotty 的 json
我假设您打算进一步缩进 json
为此,您可以在 IO
import Data.IORef (newIORef, writeIORef, readIORef)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
myEndpoint :: ScottyM ()
myEndpoint =
post "/hello/world" $ do
data :: MyData <- jsonData
msgRef <- liftIO (newIORef Nothing)
runRedis redisConn $ do
pubSub (subscribe ["channel"]) $ \msg -> do
writeIORef msgRef (Just msg)
return $ unsubscribe ["channel"]
Just msg <- liftIO (readIORef msgRef)
json $ doSomethingWithMsg msg
编辑:我想我真的不知道 runRedis 函数是否在收到消息之前阻塞,如果不是这种情况,那么您可以使用 MVar
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (putMVar, takeMVar, newEmptyMVar)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
myEndpoint :: ScottyM ()
myEndpoint =
post "/hello/world" $ do
data :: MyData <- jsonData
msgVar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
runRedis redisConn $ do
pubSub (subscribe ["channel"]) $ \msg -> do
putMVar msgVar msg
return $ unsubscribe ["channel"]
msg <- liftIO (takeMVar msgVar)
json $ doSomethingWithMsg msg
在documentation for Hedis中给出了使用pubSub
pubSub :: PubSub -> (Message -> IO PubSub) -> Redis ()
pubSub (subscribe ["chat"]) $ \msg -> do
putStrLn $ "Message from " ++ show (msgChannel msg)
return $ unsubscribe ["chat"]
鉴于 pubSub
return 是一个 Redis ()
,是否可以在代码的下方从回调外部重新使用此 msg
我正在从在 ScottyM
monad 中运行的 Scotty 端点调用 pubSub
,应该 return(长话短说)一个 json msg
myEndpoint :: ScottyM ()
myEndpoint =
post "/hello/world" $ do
data :: MyData <- jsonData
runRedis redisConn $ do
pubSub (subscribe ["channel"]) $ \msg -> do
doSomethingWith msg
return $ unsubscribe ["channel"]
-- how is it possible to retrieve `msg` from here?
json $ somethingBuiltFromMsg
或者,有没有办法在回调中使用 Scotty 的 json
我假设您打算进一步缩进 json
为此,您可以在 IO
import Data.IORef (newIORef, writeIORef, readIORef)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
myEndpoint :: ScottyM ()
myEndpoint =
post "/hello/world" $ do
data :: MyData <- jsonData
msgRef <- liftIO (newIORef Nothing)
runRedis redisConn $ do
pubSub (subscribe ["channel"]) $ \msg -> do
writeIORef msgRef (Just msg)
return $ unsubscribe ["channel"]
Just msg <- liftIO (readIORef msgRef)
json $ doSomethingWithMsg msg
编辑:我想我真的不知道 runRedis 函数是否在收到消息之前阻塞,如果不是这种情况,那么您可以使用 MVar
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (putMVar, takeMVar, newEmptyMVar)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
myEndpoint :: ScottyM ()
myEndpoint =
post "/hello/world" $ do
data :: MyData <- jsonData
msgVar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
runRedis redisConn $ do
pubSub (subscribe ["channel"]) $ \msg -> do
putMVar msgVar msg
return $ unsubscribe ["channel"]
msg <- liftIO (takeMVar msgVar)
json $ doSomethingWithMsg msg