
Capturing conditions in scenarios

如果有条件成功的场景我可以写成Given, And, And... Then button is enabled.,但是我怎么写If either x,y, or z aren't set, the button remains disabled的负面场景。


Scenario: Enable the Add to Favorites button
When the consumer is viewing an item
And the consumer selects an item
And the consumer selects a size
And the consumer selects a quantity
Then the Add to Favorites button becomes enabled

可以(或应该)在一种情况下完成吗?由于所有成功的“按钮启用”方案都需要这 3 个元素,我可以将它们添加到 Before() 挂钩吗?



Scenario: Do not enable the Add to Favorites button without a selected item
When the consumer is viewing an item
And the consumer selects a size
And the consumer selects a quantity
Then the Add to Favorites button does not become enabled

Scenario: Do not enable the Add to Favorites button without a selected size
When the consumer is viewing an item
And the consumer selects an item
And the consumer selects a quantity
Then the Add to Favorites button does not become enabled

Scenario: Do not enable the Add to Favorites button without a selected quantity
When the consumer is viewing an item
And the consumer selects an item
And the consumer selects a size
Then the Add to Favorites button does not become enabled


    Scenario Outline: Verify the "Add to Favorites" button state
        When the consumer is viewing an item
        And the item is "<itemCondition>"
        And the item size is "<sizeCondition>"
        And the item quantity is "<quantityCondition>"
        Then the "Add to Favorites" button becomes "<buttonState>"
        Examples: Conditions
            | itemCondition | sizeCondition | quantityCondition | buttonState|
            | Selected      | Selected      | Selected          | enabled    |
            | Not Selected  | Not Selected  | Not Selected      | disabled   |
            | Selected      | Not Selected  | Not Selected      | disabled   |
            | Selected      | Selected      | Not Selected      | disabled  |


Feature: Add item to Favorites List

    As a consumer (guest or member) who is shopping on the App, I'd like the ability to favorite items that I maybe interested in.

Rule: Any consumer, guest or member, can favorite an item after selecting pre-requisites (size/quantity/shipping)

Scenario: Favorite an item - member
Given I have logged in
And I have searched the product inventory
When I choose a desired item with specified pre-requisites
Then the app should allow me to add it to my member favorites list

Scenario: Favorite an item - guest
Given I have not logged in
And I have searched the product inventory
When I choose a desired item with specified pre-requisites
Then the app should allow me to add it to my guest favorites list