如何使用 pathlib 中的分隔符访问另一个 file/folder

How to use separators in pathlib to acces another file/folder

我有一个脚本可以根据一天中的当前时间(白天或晚上)更改 Windows 背景图像。我想让这个脚本可扩展,以便在不更改代码的情况下在另一台计算机上使用。

from datetime import datetime, time
import pandas
import ctypes
from pathlib import Path

file_path = "myfile.xlsx" #sunrise/sunset file path
data = pandas.read_excel(file_path, header=0) #Header on line 0

#Today as day number in reference to 1st of Jan
day = datetime.now().timetuple().tm_yday

#Today's parameters
#sr and ss are column names in the Excel spreadsheet for sunrise and sunset respectively
#Minus 1 to account for 0 based indexing
sunrise = data["sr"][day - 1]
sunset = data["ss"][day - 1] 

#Function to convert time objects into integers
def seconds_in_time(time_value: time):
    return (time_value.hour * 60 + time_value.minute) * 60 + time_value.second

notification_minutes = 5
notification_seconds = notification_minutes * 60
#Variable for a moment in time 5 minutes before the sunset
sunset_minus_five = seconds_in_time(sunset) - notification_seconds

#Setting up the day_night variable depending on the now variable
#delta calculates the difference in seconds between now and sunset -during night- and sunrise -during day-
#A negative value for delta means that now variable is equal to any moment between midnight and the sunrise  
if now > sunrise and now < sunset:
    day_night = 'day'
    delta = (seconds_in_time(now) - seconds_in_time(sunrise))
    day_night = 'night'
    delta = (seconds_in_time(now) - seconds_in_time(sunset))
#delta_notification calculates the difference in seconds between now and sunset_minus_five
delta_notification = seconds_in_time(now) - sunset_minus_five

abs_path = Path().resolve()
sep = '\'
target_path = abs_path + sep + day_night + '.jpg'

#Function to change the wallpaper
def changeBG(target_path):
    ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoW(20, 0, path, 3) #SystemParametersInfoW for x64 architecture

#Wallpaper when code is ran user log on


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-ca377c654d5c> in <module>
     42 print(abs_path)
     43 sep = '\'
---> 44 target_path = abs_path + sep + day_night + '.jpg'
     45 print(target_path)

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'WindowsPath' and 'str'

在采用这种 pathlib 方法之前,我尝试了一种 static 方法:

path = 'C:\Users\myuser\Desktop\Sunset\wallpapers_desktop_only\'+ day_night +'\'+ vmc_imc_day_night() +'.jpg'

#Function to change the wallpaper
def changeBG(path):
    ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoW(20, 0, path, 3) #SystemParametersInfoW for x64 architecture

这没有任何问题,因为 ctypes 期望的分隔符是 \,但是 pathlib returns 我 \ 不能使用作为字符串。

如何使用 pathlib 才能使用工作目录中的任何 files/directories?

错误告诉你不能连接 str 和 WindowsPath, 尝试使用:

target_path = abs_path / '{}.jpg'.format(day_night)

pathlib 与您使用的方式不同。
当使用 pathlib 时,您无需自己添加分隔符,您可以使用 / 运算符(在包中被覆盖)



target_path = abs_path / f'{day_night}.jpg'