Azure IoT 设备到云,指标图在特定时间戳降为零

Azure IoT Device to Cloud, Metrics graph drops to zero at a particular time stamp

我有一个连接到 Azure IoT 中心的 Azure IoT 设备。设备每分钟发送 6 - 7 条消息。通过查看 D2C 消息指标,我发现了一个异常值,它表明在特定时间,D2C 消息的计数为零(见图)。由于消息被路由到存储,我可以检查存储以查看在特定时间是否有消息丢失,但存储中保存的数据显示当时每条消息都已正确接收。有谁知道这是怎么回事,或者这些指标是否普遍不那么可靠?如果是这样,监视 IoT 中心消息传输的最佳做法是什么?

IoT Hub D2C Message Metrics

EnqueuedTimeUtc in the storage

要精确监控通过 IoT 中心的每条消息流,您需要Trace Azure IoT device-to-cloud messages with distributed tracing(目前处于预览状态)

  • This trace context includes correlation IDs that allow you to correlate events from one component with events from another component
  • Automatically log the trace context to Azure Monitor Logs.
  • Measure and understand message flow and latency from devices to IoT Hub and routing endpoints.
