Python 中的关键错误,使用 Pycharm 和 Pandas

Key Error in Python, using Pycharm and Pandas

我是新手 Python 用户,在解决关键错误时遇到问题。我检查了类似的问题,但仍然无法解决我的问题。下面是错误,后面是代码。如果有任何见解,我将不胜感激。

Error (in line 61): 

KeyError: "['Major Office Locations', 'Major Office', '# of International Offices', '# of Attorneys', 'Major Departments', '# of U.S offices'] not in index"


import requests
import json
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import concurrent.futures
import sys

URL = ''
pg = 0
info = []
rank = input('Enter Rank\n 2 -All Law Firms\n 20 -IP Law Firms\n 275 - IP boutique law firms\n')
year = input('Which Year?  ')
filename = input('Filename? ')
while True:
    pg += 1
    params = {'rank': rank,
              'year': year,
              'category': 'LBACCompany',
              'pg': pg}
    response = requests.get(URL, params=params)
    if len(json.loads(response.content)) == 0:
    info = info + json.loads(response.content)

def run(i):
    response = requests.get('' + info[i]['URL'])
    bs = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'lxml')

    US_OFFICES = bs.find('strong', {'class': 'inlineOnly'}, text='No. of U.S. Offices:').next_sibling.strip()
    info[i]['# of U.S offices'] = US_OFFICES

    INT_OFFICES = bs.find('strong', {'class': 'inlineOnly'}, text='No. of International Offices:').next_sibling.strip()
    info[i]['# of International Offices'] = INT_OFFICES

    MAJOR_OFFICE = bs.find('div', {'class': 'col-lg-12 col-md-4'}).p.text.strip()
    info[i]['Major Office'] = MAJOR_OFFICE

    MAJOR_OFFICE_LOC = bs.find('strong', text='Major Office Locations').parent.p.text.strip()
    info[i]['Major Office Locations'] = MAJOR_OFFICE_LOC

    MAJOR_DEP = bs.find('strong', text='Major Departments').parent.p.text.strip()
    info[i]['Major Departments'] = MAJOR_DEP

    ATT = bs.find('strong', text='Firm Stats').parent.p.text
    ATT ='Total No. Attorneys \d\d\d\d:\r\n.*', ATT)
    if ATT is not None:
        ATT ='\r\n.*[0-9K+]',
        info[i]['# of Attorneys'] = ATT
        info[i]['# of Attorneys'] = ''

with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=100) as executor:, list(range(len(info))))

df = pd.DataFrame(data=info)
df = df[['Year', 'Title', 'Rank', '# of U.S offices',
         '# of International Offices', 'Major Office', 'Major Office Locations',
         'Major Departments', '# of Attorneys']]
df.to_excel(filename, index=False)

您似乎正在尝试为数据框设置 headers(如果我猜对的话)。如果是这种情况,您可以在创建数据框时通过传递 columns 关键字参数来传递名称,如下所示:

df = pd.DataFrame(data=info, columns=['Year', 'Title', 'Rank', '# of U.S offices', '# of International Offices', 'Major Office', 'Major Office Locations', 'Major Departments', '# of Attorneys'])