SQL 参数和整数值

SQL Parameter And int Value

我使用 ado.net 中的查询来读取要在数据网格中显示的信息,但问题是我的 SQL 参数(与 Teacher_Id 相关)具有一个问题,不允许显示信息。 你的解决方案是什么?


我在 SQL 中执行了这段代码,它工作正常,但我不知道 ado.net 有什么问题?

我之前在 LIKE 中使用了相同的代码,它在 ado.net



public DataTable Read_For_Properties(string University_Name, int Teacher_Id, string Year, string Term, string Lesson_Code, string Houre, string ClassRoom_Name)
    SqlConnection SQL_Con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=SQLSERVER\SQLSERVER;Initial Catalog=DB1;Integrated Security=True");

    SqlCommand SQL_Com = new SqlCommand(@"select 
                                            case Humen.Discriminator when 'Student' then Humen.Name end as 'Name',
                                            case Humen.Discriminator when 'Student' then Humen.Family end as 'Family',
                                            Turns.Score as 'Score'
                                            from Turns 
                                            inner join Lessons on Lessons.Id = Turns.Lesson_Id
                                            inner join Universities on Universities.Id = Turns.University_Id
                                            inner join Class_Room on Class_Room.Id = Turns.Class_Room_Id
                                            inner join Humen on Humen.Id = Turns.Student_Id

                                            where Class_Room.Name = @P1 AND Turns.Houre = @P2 AND Lessons.Lesson_Code = @P3 AND Turns.Term = @P4 AND Turns.Year = @P5 AND 
                                            Turns.Teacher_Id = @P6 AND Universities.Name = @P7");
    SQL_Com.Connection = SQL_Con;
    SQL_Com.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@P1", "%" + ClassRoom_Name + "%"));
    SQL_Com.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@P2", "%" + Houre + "%"));
    SQL_Com.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@P3", "%" + Lesson_Code + "%"));
    SQL_Com.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@P4", "%" + Term + "%"));
    SQL_Com.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@P5", "%" + Year + "%"));
    SQL_Com.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@P6", Teacher_Id ));
    SQL_Com.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@P7", "%" + University_Name + "%"));

    DataSet DS = new DataSet();

    SqlDataAdapter SQL_DA = new SqlDataAdapter();
    SQL_DA.SelectCommand = SQL_Com;

    return DS.Tables[0];


我无意中发现解决方案很简单,只需删除“%”即可! 符号“%”显然用于 LIKE 命令