如何在 Laravel 背包中的不同数据库表上保存数据

How to save data on different database tables in Laravel Backpack

如何将特征字段中的数据保存在不同的 table 上。在下面的 link 示例中,它正在将 Features table 字段保存在数据库的 JSON 字段中。但是,我想将此数据从功能保存到另一个 table。


我会回到这里 post 我的回答。我设法安顿下来,我放在这里是为了帮助其他开发者。



class ProductCrudController extends CrudController
    use ListOperation;
    use CreateOperation {
        store as traitStore;
    use UpdateOperation {
        update as traitUpdate;
    use DeleteOperation;

    public function store()
        // insert item in the db
        $item = $this->crud->create($this->crud->getRequest()->except(['save_action', '_token', '_method']));

        $features = json_decode($this->crud->getRequest()->input('features'));

        foreach ($features  as $itens) {
            $obj = new Feature();
            $obj->product_id = $item->getKey();
            $obj->name = $itens->name;

        // show a success message

        return redirect('admin/product');

    public function update()
        $featureForm = json_decode($this->crud->getRequest()->input('features'));

        // insert item in the db
        $item = $this->crud->update($this->crud->getRequest()->id, $this->crud->getRequest()->except(['save_action', '_token', '_method', 'features']));

        $objF = Feature::where('product_id', $item->getKey())->get();

        foreach ($objF as $itens) {
            Feature::where('id', $itens->id)->delete();

        foreach ($featureForm as $itens) {
            $obj = new Feature;
            $obj->product_id = $item->getKey();
            $obj->name = $itens->name;

        // show a success message

        return redirect('admin/product');

我会回到这里 post 我的回答。我设法安顿下来,我放在这里是为了帮助其他开发者。

我能够在功能字段中的表单版本中引入数据。我在模型中使用了 Mutators - https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/eloquent-mutators



    //model Product
    public function getFeaturesAttribute($value)
        $objects = Features::where('product_id', $this->id)->get();
        $array = [];
        foreach ($objects as $itens) {
            $obj = new stdClass;
            $obj->name = $itens->name;
            $array[] = $obj;
        return \json_encode($array);

有几种方法可以解决这个问题。我个人更喜欢在模型中创建访问器和修改器 - https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/eloquent-mutators 。它不仅使 CrudController 保持干净(因此可更新),而且还允许您 save/load 来自其他表单的内容(例如:面向用户的表单)。

    //model Product
    public function getFeaturesAttribute($value)
        $objects = Features::where('product_id', $this->id)->get();
        $array = [];
        foreach ($objects as $itens) {
            $obj = new stdClass;
            $obj->name = $itens->name;
            $array[] = $obj;
        return json_encode($array);