AWS EMR - 是否需要通过引导安装 CloudWatch 代理?

AWS EMR - CloudWatch Agent required to be installed via bootstapping or not?


Metrics are updated every five minutes and automatically collected and pushed to CloudWatch for every Amazon EMR cluster. This interval is not configurable. There is no charge for the Amazon EMR metrics reported in CloudWatch. Metrics are archived for two weeks, after which the data is discarded.

这个 SO 答案 意味着安装,但这个问题现在已有 2 年了。

那么,我们需要在EMR上安装CloudWatch Agent吗?我的看法是肯定的。下周我将尝试一下,但如果能提前看一下,我们将不胜感激。

是的,你需要。请参阅 20 年 4 月的指南,其中说明了这一点。
