Swift 5.5 async let - error: expression is 'async' but is not marked with 'await'

Swift 5.5 async let - error: expression is 'async' but is not marked with 'await'

WWDC21 引入了 Swift 5.5,以及 async/await。在 Explore structured concurrency in Swift and Meet async/await in Swift WWDC21 会议之后,我正在尝试使用 async let 函数。


func doIt() async -> String {
    let t = TimeInterval.random(in: 0.25 ... 2.0)
    Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: t)
    return String("\(Double.random(in: 0...1000))")

async {
    async let a = doIt()
    async let b = doIt()
    async let c = doIt()
    async let d = doIt()
    let results = await [a, b, c, d]
    for result in results {
        print("  \(result)")

但是,对于每一行“async let”,我都会收到此错误:

error: AsyncLetSwift55WWDC21.playground:12:15: error: expression is 'async' but is not marked with 'await'
    async let a = doIt()

Paul Hudson 的博客展示了这个例子:

Exploring structured currency 视频在 8:10 处有这个例子:

编辑:这似乎是一个 Playground-specific 问题。根据 Apple Developer Forums 中同一问题的建议,运行 相同的代码( 好吧,我确实在异步块之后将 sleep(10) 添加到源文件的末尾macOS,因此应用程序不会在异步调用完成之前终止),因为 macOS command-line 项目没有错误并产生正确的输出。



class ViewController: UIViewController {
    func doIt() async -> String {
        let t = TimeInterval.random(in: 0.25 ... 2.0)
        Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: t)
        return String("\(Double.random(in: 0...1000))")
    func test() {
        async {
            async let a = doIt()
            async let b = doIt()
            async let c = doIt()
            async let d = doIt()
            let results = await [a, b, c, d]
            for result in results {
                print("  \(result)")

    override func viewDidLoad() {

构建为 macOS 命令行项目(Xcode:文件 -> 新建 -> 项目,然后 select 来自 macOS 选项卡的“命令行工具”),代码完美运行。 (这是 Apple Developer Forums 中回复的建议。)

我在末尾添加了一个 sleep(10),这样命令行工具就不会在异步调用完成之前退出:

import Foundation

print("Hello, world!")

func doIt() async -> String {
    let t = TimeInterval.random(in: 0.25 ... 2.0)
    Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: t)
    return String("\(Double.random(in: 0...1000))")

async {
    async let a = doIt()
    async let b = doIt()
    async let c = doIt()
    async let d = doIt()
    let results = await [a, b, c, d]
    for result in results {
        print("  \(result)")

这会产生预期的控制台输出类型(注意:每个 运行 的实际值都会不同)*:

Hello, World!
Program ended with exit code: 0

它作为 macOS 命令行项目运行良好,但是当我将它创建为 iOS 项目时,


async let a = doIt()
async let b = doIt()
async let c = doIt()
async let d = doIt()
