与网格平行定位 objects

Positioning objects parallel with a mesh

我正在尝试根据三角形在网格中的方向沿着人体 body 圆周对齐多条线 objects。我想把线平行于网格。我正确地分配了沿圆周的线的位置,但我还需要添加线的旋转,以便与 body 平行。 body是由多个三角形组成的网格,每条线都与一个三角形“相连”。


我需要计算线的每个 X、Y、Z 轴的角度,以便三角形的法线与线网格垂直。我不知道如何获得所需的角度。如果有人愿意帮助我,我将不胜感激。


FVector 三角点[3];

F向量Triangle_Normal; //计算为(B-A)^(C-A),其中A,B,C为三角形的点

F向量线位置; //如果有帮助,我还有起始线和结束线位置





A,B,C are the vertices of the triangle:
A = [xA, yA, zA],
B = [xB, yB, zB]
C = [xC, yC, zC]

K,L are the endpoints of the line-segment:
K = [xK, yK, zK]
L = [xL, yL, zL]

vectors are interpreted as row-vectors
by . I denote matrix multiplication
by x I denote cross product of 3D vectors
by t() I denote the transpose of a matrix
by | | I denote the norm (magnitude) of a vector

Goal: find the rotation matrix and rotation transformation of segment KL 
      around its midpoint, so that after rotation KL is parallel to the plane ABC
      also, the rotation is the "minimal" angle rotation by witch we need to 
      rotate KL in order to make it parallel to ABC

AB = B - A
AC = C - A
KL = L - K

n = AB x AC
n = n / |n|

u = KL x n
u = u / |u|

v = n x u

cos = ( KL . t(v) ) / |KL|
sin = ( KL . t(n) ) / |KL|   

U = [[ u[0],  u[1],  u[2] ],
     [ v[0],  v[1],  v[2] ],
     [ n[0],  n[1],  n[2] ],

R = [[1,    0,    0],
     [0,  cos,  sin],
     [0, -sin,  cos]]

ROT = t(U).R.U

then, one can rotate the segment KL around its midpoint 
M = (K + L)/2

Y = M + ROT (X - M)


A = np.array([0,0,0])
B = np.array([3,0,0])
C = np.array([2,3,0])

K = np.array([ -1,0,1])
L = np.array([  2,2,2])
KL = L-K

U = np.empty((3,3), dtype=float)

U[2,:] = np.cross(B-A, C-A)
U[2,:] = U[2,:] / np.linalg.norm(U[2,:])

U[0,:] = np.cross(KL, U[2,:])
U[0,:] = U[0,:] / np.linalg.norm(U[0,:])

U[1,:] = np.cross(U[2,:], U[0,:])

norm_KL = np.linalg.norm(KL)
cos_ = KL.dot(U[1,:]) / norm_KL 
sin_ = KL.dot(U[2,:]) / norm_KL 

R = np.array([[1,    0,    0],
              [0, cos_, sin_],
              [0,-sin_, cos_]])

ROT = (U.T).dot(R.dot(U))

M = (K+L) / 2

K_rot = M + ROT.dot( K - M )
L_rot = M + ROT.dot( L - M )



  • 连续沿多个顶点
  • 轻松应用 UV 贴图进行纹理平铺
  • 可以在运行时更新
  • 不难compute/work用它