如果两个数组与 JavaScript 中的某个值匹配,我们如何从数组中打印值?

How can we print value from an array if two array matches with some value in JavaScript?


const array1 = [
    { item: "orange", id: 11 },
    { item: "apple", id: 12 },

const array2 = [10, 11, 12];

如果我检查 array1.How 中 array2 的值​​,我可以在映射 array2 时得到如下输出吗?

  Item does'nt exists



const array1 = [{
    item: 'orange',
    id: 11
}, {
    item: 'apple',
    id: 12

const array2 = [10, 11, 12]

for (const x of array2) {
   //find element from array
   const searchElem = array1.find((item) => item.id == x)
   if (searchElem) {
        console.log(searchElem.item + " for " + x)
    } else {
        console.log("Item doesn't exists for", x)


您可以使用 map and find


const array1 = [
  { item: "orange", id: 11 },
  { item: "apple", id: 12 },
const array2 = [10, 11, 12];

const result = array2.map((id) => {
  const itemFound = array1.find((o) => o.id === id);
  if (itemFound) return `${itemFound.item} for ${itemFound.id}`;
  else return `Item does'nt exists for 10`;


如果我正确理解了这个问题,您要做的是确认数组 2 中的每个元素在数组 1 中是否存在具有特定 属性 的对象。


const fruits = [
  {item: 'orange', id: 11},{item: 'apple', id: 12}

const fruitIds = fruits.map((fruit) => fruit.id);

const ids = [10, 11, 12]

ids.forEach((id) => { 
  console.log(`${id} exists in fruits: ` + fruitIds.includes(id))

或者如果你想检查数组中的每个 ID 是否有水果,而你只关心 true / false 是否都存在,那么你可以这样做:

const fruits = [
  {item: 'orange', id: 11}, 
  {item: 'apple', id: 12}

const fruitIds = fruits.map((fruit) => fruit.id).sort();

const ids = [10, 11, 12];

console.log("There is a fruit for each ID in ID array: ", JSON.stringify(ids) === JSON.stringify(fruitIds))


请注意,最后一个片段只是比较 JavaScript 中的数组或对象的一种方法。

通过比较 JavaScript 中的两个数组来获取常见项的最简单方法是使用 filter() and includes() 数组函数。


const array1 = [
      { item: "orange", id: 11 },
      { item: "apple", id: 12 },

const array2 = [10, 11, 12];

const matchedArray = array1.filter((item) => array2.includes(item.id));


我们不需要使用 for 循环、forEach、map 和 find 函数。


  • 我已经写了一些关于 javascript 代码的评论,它可能会对您有所帮助。

const array1=[{item:'orange', id:11},{item:'apple', id:12}]
const array2=[10,11,12]

function removeDuplicates(array, matchKey) {
    return array.filter((value, index) => {
        return array.indexOf(array.find(value_1 => value_1[matchKey] == value[matchKey])) == index

// send "id" parameter if you want to filter array by id
// ex: removeDuplicates(array1, 'id')
const filteredArray1 = removeDuplicates(array1, 'item');

array2.forEach(id => {
    let foundItem = array1.find(itemObj => itemObj.id == id);
    if(foundItem == null) {
        console.log(`Item doesn't exists for ${id}`);
    }else {
        console.log(`${foundItem.item} for ${id}`);

这是一种使用 Map, though with a bit of tweaking it could use a normal object instead of Map. The map indexes the items in array1 by id and then allows you to look for the item in the map (using has() or get()); if it doesn't exist you can fall back to the default string. ?? is the nullish coalescing operator 的方法,它允许您为表达式提供一个术语,应该是 ?? 之前的值为空或未定义。

const array1 = [{ item: "orange", id: 11 }, { item: "apple", id: 12 }];
const array2 = [10, 11, 12];
const default_string = "Item does'nt exists";

const array1_map = new Map(array1.map((o) => [o.id, o]));

const res = array2.map( (id) => array1_map.get(id)?.item ?? default_string );
