迷宫中的鼠标 - 堆栈(但也计算步数)

Mouse in Maze - Stacks (but count steps also)

我正在阅读 Adam Drozdek 关于 DSA 的书,在解决迷宫中的鼠标问题时,他使用了堆栈。但是我怎么(如果我想的话)计算老鼠走的步数呢?因为根据他的堆栈解决方案,误报邻居(即未能到达目的地的邻居)也会被标记,并且没有取消标记这些单元格的回溯。请帮助我。请


exitMaze ()
    while currentCell is not exitCell
        mark currentCell as visited;
        push unvisited neighbors of currentCell onto the stack
        if stack is empty
        else pop off a cell from the stack and make it currentCell

这样迷宫将充满从 Rat 的初始点到出口点的 X 路径。但它也会在尝试过的和失败的路径上充满“X”。那么我该如何计算路径中的步数?


exitMaze ()
    push start cell on the stack
    while stack is not empty
        let currentCell = top cell on the stack
        mark currentCell as visited; //it might already be marked, but that's OK
        if currentCell is exitCell
            success. Path is on the stack;
        else if currentCell has an unvisited neighbor
            push an unvisited neighbor on the stack
            pop a cell off the stack