Powershell ADP API 令牌
Powershell ADP API Token
我是运行下面的Powershell。我收到一条错误消息,提示“给定的客户端凭据无效”。我正在尝试使用 API 生成访问令牌的第一步。我已确认我有一个有效的 client_id 和 client_secret.
这在 Postman 中有效,但我在 Powershell 中没有发现我的错误。求助!
$Json= @{
$Json=$Json | ConvertTo-Json
$Cert = Get-ChildItem -Path "Cert:\LocalMachine\My" | Where-Object {$_.Subject -like "CN=CertCN*"}
$Response=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URLTokenV2 -Method Post -Body $Json -Certificate $Cert -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
我已经对 Invoke-RestMethod 和 Invoke-WebRequest 进行了相同的尝试。我得到的结果相同,即客户端凭据无效。
In general, your consumer application should pass the client_id and
client_secret parameters in the HTTP Authorization header using the
HTTP Basic authentication scheme (or other designated scheme). The
client_id and client_secret must be separated by a single colon (":")
character and encoded within a base64-encoded string, as required by
IETF RFC 2617.
Your consumer application must:
- Send the request with the X.509 certificate provided during registration.
- Pass all parameters in a URL-encoded format with UTF-8 character encoding as specified by the HTTP header Content-Type:
application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The actual request might look like
the following example:
POST /auth/oauth/v2/token HTTP/1.1
Host: accounts.adp.com
Authorization: Basic QURQVGFibGV0OnRoZXRhYmxldHBhc3N3b3Jk
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
$URLTokenV2 = 'https://accounts.adp.com/auth/oauth/v2/token'
# Prepare Basic Authentication header payload (the base64 part)
$AuthorizationValue = [Convert]::ToBase64String(
$Cert = Get-ChildItem -Path "Cert:\LocalMachine\My" | Where-Object {$_.Subject -like "CN=CertCN*"}
# Prepare request body - no need to explicitly convert to JSON
$Body = @{
grant_type = 'client_credentials'
# Pass the `Authorization` header value with the payload we calculate from the id + secret
$Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URLTokenV2 -Method Post -Header @{ Authorization = "Basic ${AuthorizationValue}" } -Body $Body -Certificate $Cert -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
根据 Mathias 的评论,我现在有以下工作
$Json= @{
$Response=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URLTokenV2 -Method Post -Body $Json -Certificate $Cert -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
我曾尝试将“grant_type='client_credentials'”作为 Json 数组的一部分,但这次尝试时不小心遗漏了 '?'在 URL。我还必须删除到 convertto-Json 的行。之后就成功了。
我是运行下面的Powershell。我收到一条错误消息,提示“给定的客户端凭据无效”。我正在尝试使用 API 生成访问令牌的第一步。我已确认我有一个有效的 client_id 和 client_secret.
这在 Postman 中有效,但我在 Powershell 中没有发现我的错误。求助!
$Json= @{
$Json=$Json | ConvertTo-Json
$Cert = Get-ChildItem -Path "Cert:\LocalMachine\My" | Where-Object {$_.Subject -like "CN=CertCN*"}
$Response=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URLTokenV2 -Method Post -Body $Json -Certificate $Cert -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
我已经对 Invoke-RestMethod 和 Invoke-WebRequest 进行了相同的尝试。我得到的结果相同,即客户端凭据无效。
In general, your consumer application should pass the client_id and client_secret parameters in the HTTP Authorization header using the HTTP Basic authentication scheme (or other designated scheme). The client_id and client_secret must be separated by a single colon (":") character and encoded within a base64-encoded string, as required by IETF RFC 2617.
Your consumer application must:
- Send the request with the X.509 certificate provided during registration.
- Pass all parameters in a URL-encoded format with UTF-8 character encoding as specified by the HTTP header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The actual request might look like the following example:
POST /auth/oauth/v2/token HTTP/1.1 Host: accounts.adp.com Authorization: Basic QURQVGFibGV0OnRoZXRhYmxldHBhc3N3b3Jk Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded grant_type=client_credentials
$URLTokenV2 = 'https://accounts.adp.com/auth/oauth/v2/token'
# Prepare Basic Authentication header payload (the base64 part)
$AuthorizationValue = [Convert]::ToBase64String(
$Cert = Get-ChildItem -Path "Cert:\LocalMachine\My" | Where-Object {$_.Subject -like "CN=CertCN*"}
# Prepare request body - no need to explicitly convert to JSON
$Body = @{
grant_type = 'client_credentials'
# Pass the `Authorization` header value with the payload we calculate from the id + secret
$Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URLTokenV2 -Method Post -Header @{ Authorization = "Basic ${AuthorizationValue}" } -Body $Body -Certificate $Cert -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
根据 Mathias 的评论,我现在有以下工作
$Json= @{
$Response=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URLTokenV2 -Method Post -Body $Json -Certificate $Cert -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
我曾尝试将“grant_type='client_credentials'”作为 Json 数组的一部分,但这次尝试时不小心遗漏了 '?'在 URL。我还必须删除到 convertto-Json 的行。之后就成功了。