IPython 检测自动魔法

IPython detect automagics


ls *.txt

进入 IPython 笔记本中的单元格,然后它会正确执行。但是,如果我尝试使用 TransformerManager().transform_cell 转换单元格,什么也没有发生,我得到无效的 Python 语法:

>>> from IPython.core.inputtransformer2 import TransformerManager
>>> import ast
>>> TransformerManager().transform_cell('ls *.txt')
'ls *.txt\n'
>>> ast.parse('ls *.txt\n')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/ignoring_gravity/miniconda3/envs/tmp/lib/python3.8/ast.py", line 47, in parse
    return compile(source, filename, mode, flags,
  File "<unknown>", line 1
    ls *.txt
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

有没有办法以 returns 有效 Python 代码的方式转换自动魔法?没有 automagic 的等效代码将转换如下:

>>> TransformerManager().transform_cell('!ls *.txt')
"get_ipython().system('ls *.txt')\n"


Automagics 是 运行 内核的一个特性,而不是语法。例如,cd 本身是一个有效的自动魔法,除非它被 Python 名称遮蔽,或者就此而言,如果 %automagic 被禁用。

In [1]: cd

In [2]: cd = 'CD'

In [3]: cd
Out[3]: 'CD'

In [4]: del cd

In [5]: cd

In [6]: %automagic 0

Automagic is OFF, % prefix IS needed for line magics.

In [7]: cd
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-7-9c6465b4471e>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'cd' is not defined

在幕后,据我所知,当一个单元格抛出某些错误,如 SyntaxErrorNameError,它被发送到预过滤器,如果它可以转化为魔法,它是被预过滤器捕获 AutoMagicChecker and transformed. My understanding is mostly based on this comment on an IPython GitHub issue:

Input transformers are applied line-by-line, but prefilters are only applied when the code is run. So 'invalid' [an invalid line] triggers an attempt to execute, and then prefilters step in and may transform it into valid code.

-- Thomas Kluyver,2015 年 7 月 11 日

现在,如果您有 运行 内核,您可以使用预过滤器,如下所示:

In [1]: ip = get_ipython()  # The running kernel

In [3]: source = ip.prefilter('cd')  # Transform

In [4]: source
Out[4]: "get_ipython().run_line_magic('cd', '')"

In [5]: exec(source)  # Run, just to prove it works


In [2]: from IPython.core.splitinput import LineInfo

In [3]: line_info = LineInfo('cd')  # Parse

In [4]: ip = get_ipython()

In [5]: ip.prefilter_manager.checkers  # List of prefilters
[<EmacsChecker(priority=100, enabled=False)>,
 <MacroChecker(priority=250, enabled=True)>,
 <IPyAutocallChecker(priority=300, enabled=True)>,
 <AssignmentChecker(priority=600, enabled=True)>,
 <AutoMagicChecker(priority=700, enabled=True)>,
 <PythonOpsChecker(priority=900, enabled=True)>,
 <AutocallChecker(priority=1000, enabled=True)>]

In [6]: for checker in ip.prefilter_manager.checkers:
   ...:     handler = checker.check(line_info)
   ...:     if handler:  # Find the first one that matches
   ...:         break

In [7]: handler
Out[7]: <IPython.core.prefilter.MagicHandler at 0x7f01e8ccc7f0>

In [10]: handler.handle(line_info)  # Transform
Out[10]: "get_ipython().run_line_magic('cd', '')"