你能告诉我这个 Cohen-Sutherland 算法的实现有什么问题吗?

Can you tell me what's wrong with this implementation of Cohen-Sutherland Algorithm?

请帮我修复这个 Cohen-Sutherland 算法实现的代码。

The theory is here 第 91 页。

Here is the entire project.

#include "Line2d.h"
#include "Rectangle2d.h"
#include "Coordinates2d.h"

class ClippingLine2d
    Rectangle2d rectangle;//clipping rectangle
    Line2d line;//line to be clipped
    Bits startPointBits;//bits for start point of line
    Bits endPointsBits;//bits for end point of line
    ClippingLine2d(Rectangle2d rect, Line2d line)
        this->rectangle = rect;
        this->line = line;      
    Line2d GetClippedLine(std::vector<Line2d> clippingRegionLines, Line2d ln)
        Point2d start = ln.GetStart();
        Point2d end = ln.GetEnd();

        if(startPointBits.bit4 == 1)
            start = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[3]);//DA
        else if(startPointBits.bit3 == 1)
            start = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[1]);//BC
        else if(startPointBits.bit2 == 1)
            start = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[0]);//AB
        else if(startPointBits.bit1 == 1)
            start = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[2]);//CD

        if(endPointsBits.bit4 == 1)
            end = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[3]);//DA
        else if(endPointsBits.bit3 == 1)
            end = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[1]);//BC
        else if(endPointsBits.bit2 == 1)
            end = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[0]);//AB
        else if(endPointsBits.bit1 == 1)
            end = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[2]);//CD

        return Line2d(start.Round(), end.Round());
    Line2d GetClippedLine()
        Point2d min = rectangle.GetStart();
        Point2d max = rectangle.GetEnd();

        startPointBits.PointToBits(max, min, line.GetStart());
        endPointsBits.PointToBits(max, min, line.GetEnd());

        std::vector<Line2d> clippingRegionLines = rectangle.GetLines();

        Line2d tempLine = this->line;
        Bits start = startPointBits;
        Bits end = endPointsBits;

            tempLine = GetClippedLine(clippingRegionLines, tempLine);

            Point2d startP = tempLine.GetStart();
            Point2d endP = tempLine.GetEnd();

            start.PointToBits(max, min, startP);
            end.PointToBits(max, min, endP);


        return tempLine;

#define LINENUM 3

int main()
    Line2d ln(Point2d(-120, -40), Point2d(270, 160)); 
    Rectangle2d rect(Point2d(0, 0), Point2d(170, 120)); 

    Coordinates2d::ShowWindow("Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping");

    ClippingLine2d clip(rect, ln);

    Line2d clippedLine = clip.GetClippedLine();



    return 0;

GetClippedLine() 陷入死循环。因为,线的终点的Bit3总是保持1..


您的位 class 中的 == 运算符包含错误:

bool operator == (Bits & b)
    bool b1 = bit1 == b.bit1;
    bool b2 = bit2 == b.bit2; // <-- change bit1 to bit2
    bool b3 = bit3 == b.bit3; // <-- change bit1 to bit3
    bool b4 = bit4 == b.bit4; // <-- change bit1 to bit4

    if(b1==true && b2==true && b3==true && b4==true) return true;
    else return false;

运算符函数从 IsClippingCandidate() 内部调用 GetClippedLine()

此外,您的裁剪测试正在与零进行比较,如果线的终点大于或等于裁剪线,则 returning 1(需要裁剪),这意味着如果它被精确地剪裁到该行,它将始终为 1。因此,将比较更改为大于而不是大于或等于。

int Sign(int a)
    if(a>0) return 1;
    else return 0;

此外,如果您得到的结果不准确,您可以尝试以浮点数而不是整数进行裁剪,在这种情况下,您应该将 a 的类型更改为浮点数或双精度数,并为比较例如if(a > 0.0001f)

只要在 start 或 end 中设置了位,裁剪函数就应该执行,因此将 IsClippingCandidate 更改为将两者进行 OR 运算,当结果为零时 return false(没有位是设置为之一),否则为真:

bool IsClippingCandidate(Bits & bits)
    Bits zeroBits;
    Bits orredBits = *this | bits;

    if(orredBits == zeroBits) return false;
    else return true;


bool IsInvisible(Bits & bits)
    Bits zeroBits;
    Bits andedBits = *this & bits;

    if(andedBits == zeroBits) return false;
    else return true;
