为什么 Dart FFI 从这个 C 结构中生成一个不透明的 class?

Why does Dart FFI generate an opaque class from this C struct?

我想使用 MAVLink C library 来解析 dart 中的 MAVLink 数据包,但是 Dart FFI 生成的 mavlink_message_t 是不透明的 class,而其他结构如 mavlink_system_t正常生成时带有所有属性。这种行为的原因是什么,我该如何解决?

mavlink_message_t C 结构

typedef struct __mavlink_message {
    uint16_t checksum;      ///< sent at end of packet
    uint8_t magic;          ///< protocol magic marker
    uint8_t len;            ///< Length of payload
    uint8_t incompat_flags; ///< flags that must be understood
    uint8_t compat_flags;   ///< flags that can be ignored if not understood
    uint8_t seq;            ///< Sequence of packet
    uint8_t sysid;          ///< ID of message sender system/aircraft
    uint8_t compid;         ///< ID of the message sender component
    uint32_t msgid:24;      ///< ID of message in payload
    uint8_t ck[2];          ///< incoming checksum bytes
    uint8_t signature[MAVLINK_SIGNATURE_BLOCK_LEN];
}) mavlink_message_t;

mavlink_system_t C 结构

typedef struct __mavlink_system {
    uint8_t sysid;   ///< Used by the MAVLink message_xx_send() convenience function
    uint8_t compid;  ///< Used by the MAVLink message_xx_send() convenience function
}) mavlink_system_t;

FFI 生成 Dart classes

class mavlink_message_t extends ffi.Opaque {}

class mavlink_system_t extends ffi.Struct {
  external int sysid;

  external int compid;

感谢@Richard Heap 的评论,我发现这个问题的根源是 msgid:24 字段定义。由于它是 Dart FFI 的 bit field, which isn't currently supported,因此 ffigen 从中生成了一个不透明的 class 定义。删除 msgid:24 声明后,生成了一个 ffi.Struct 而不是 ffi.Opaque

class mavlink_message_t extends ffi.Struct {
  external int checksum;

  external int magic;

  external int len;

  external int incompat_flags;

  external int compat_flags;

  external int seq;

  external int sysid;

  external int compid;

  external ffi.Array<ffi.Uint64> payload64;

  external ffi.Array<ffi.Uint8> ck;

  external ffi.Array<ffi.Uint8> signature;

这当然是不够的,因为我需要所有字段,但是有一个 workaround 我会测试一下。