R - 将经度和纬度坐标放入 2x2 网格中

R - Place Longitude and Latitude coordinates into a 2x2 grid

我有一个包含经度和纬度的数据框,我想创建一个 0.5x0.5 度的网格来显示其中的纬度和经度。到目前为止,我已经尝试了几种解决方案,包括在 Whosebug 上找到的一些解决方案,它们使用 cutexpand.grid 以及使用包“sp”但 none 的代码已经解决了我(也许我根本无法实现它们)。

关于如何将我的数据分组为 0.5x0.5 度网格的任何建议?

纬度 经度
31.602 -39.848
31.675 -39.467
31.747 -39.083
32.152 -36.795
32.218 -36.408
32.285 -36.022
32.348 -35.635
32.412 -35.247
32.475 -34.858
32.535 -34.47
32.595 -34.082
32.677 -33.707
32.763 -33.323




pos <- dassem %>% 
  dplyr::select(Latitude, Longitude)

gridx <- seq(from = min(dassem$Longitude), to = max(dassem$Longitude), by = 2)
gridy <- seq(from = min(dassem$Latitude), to = max(dassem$Latitude), by = 2)

xcell <- unlist(lapply(pos$Longitude,function(x) min(which(gridx>x))))
ycell <- unlist(lapply(pos$Latitude,function(y) min(which(gridy>y))))

pos$cell <- (length(gridx) - 1) * ycell + xcell


# A tibble: 45,647 x 3
   Latitude Longitude  cell
      <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
 1     51.7     -54.9   638
 2     51.9     -54.5   638
 3     52.1     -54.1   638
 4     52.3     -53.7   639
 5     52.5     -53.2   639
 6     52.7     -52.8   639
 7     52.9     -52.4   639
 8     53.2     -52.0   639

如您所见,它不是 return 2x2 度网格(我将其设置为 2x2,而不是 0.5x0.5)。


df_sf <- df %>%
  st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)

grid <- df_sf %>% 
  st_bbox() %>% 
  st_as_sfc() %>% 
  st_make_grid(cellsize = 0.5)

df %>%
  mutate(polygon_id = st_intersects(df_sf, grid) %>% map_int(1))


dassem <- structure(list(Latitude = c(31.602, 31.675, 31.747, 32.152, 32.218, 32.285, 32.348, 32.412, 32.475, 32.535, 32.595, 32.677, 32.763), Longitude = c(-39.848, -39.467, -39.083, -36.795, -36.408, -36.022, -35.635, -35.247, -34.858, -34.47, -34.082, -33.707, -33.323)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -13L))

我将从 1 度网格开始(任意):

degx <- degy <- 1 # grid sizes
gridx <- seq(min(dassem$Longitude), max(dassem$Longitude) + degx, by = degx)
gridy <- seq(min(dassem$Latitude), max(dassem$Latitude) + degy, by = degy)

dassem %>%
    x = findInterval(Longitude, gridx),
    y = findInterval(Latitude, gridy)
#    Latitude Longitude x y
# 1    31.602   -39.848 1 1
# 2    31.675   -39.467 1 1
# 3    31.747   -39.083 1 1
# 4    32.152   -36.795 4 1
# 5    32.218   -36.408 4 1
# 6    32.285   -36.022 4 1
# 7    32.348   -35.635 5 1
# 8    32.412   -35.247 5 1
# 9    32.475   -34.858 5 1
# 10   32.535   -34.470 6 1
# 11   32.595   -34.082 6 1
# 12   32.677   -33.707 7 2
# 13   32.763   -33.323 7 2



dassem %>%
    cell = paste(findInterval(Longitude, gridx),
                 findInterval(Latitude, gridy),
                 sep = ",")
#    Latitude Longitude cell
# 1    31.602   -39.848  1,1
# 2    31.675   -39.467  1,1
# 3    31.747   -39.083  1,1
# 4    32.152   -36.795  4,1
# 5    32.218   -36.408  4,1
# 6    32.285   -36.022  4,1
# 7    32.348   -35.635  5,1
# 8    32.412   -35.247  5,1
# 9    32.475   -34.858  5,1
# 10   32.535   -34.470  6,1
# 11   32.595   -34.082  6,1
# 12   32.677   -33.707  7,2
# 13   32.763   -33.323  7,2