
How can I create new lines by looping through an object?

我正在使用 Electron 和 docx 模块动态创建一个包含用户提供的数据的 docx 文件。



  "opuses": [
      "writer": "Adolphe C. Adam",
      "opus": "Concerto"
      "writer": "Adams John",
      "opus": "Short ride in a fast machine"

我尝试了很多方法,但似乎没有任何效果。 非常感谢!

const doc = new Document({
        sections: [{
            properties: {},
            children: [
                new Paragraph({
                    alignment: AlignmentType.JUSTIFIED,
                    children: [
                        new TextRun({
                            text: '// HERE IS WHERE I WANT TO BE THE LINES, CURRENTLY, TWO NEW LINES // ',
                            bold: true,
                            size: 24
                        // OR HERE AS NEW TextRuns FOR EACH LINE//

--更新: 预期的结果就像我写的那样:

                     . . .
                        new TextRun({
                            text: 'Adolphe C. Adam > Concerto',
                            bold: true,
                            size: 24
                        new TextRun({
                            text: 'Adams John > Short ride in a fast machine',
                            bold: true,
                            size: 24
                     . . .


我相信你可以这样做 - 运行 一个 array.map() 这将 return 一个包含所有反对意见的数组。

const data = {
  "opuses": [{
      "writer": "Adolphe C. Adam",
      "opus": "Concerto"
      "writer": "Adams John",
      "opus": "Short ride in a fast machine"

const opuses = data.opuses.map(o => (new TextRun({
  text: o.writer + ' > ' + o.opus,
  bold: true,
  size: 24

const doc = new Document({
      sections: [{
          properties: {},
          children: [
            new Paragraph({
              alignment: AlignmentType.JUSTIFIED,
              children: opuses,

const data = {
  "opuses": [{
      "writer": "Adolphe C. Adam",
      "opus": "Concerto"
      "writer": "Adams John",
      "opus": "Short ride in a fast machine"
// this isjust here for testing
class TextRun {
  constructor(obj) {
    this.obj = obj;
const opuses = data.opuses.map(o => (new TextRun({
  text: o.writer + ' > ' + o.opus,
  bold: true,
  size: 24
