如何在 Node 中使用 saxon-js 处理 XPath 表达式

How to handle XPath expressions with saxon-js in Node

我用 Typescript 写了以下 class:

import * as saxon from 'saxon-js';

export class XsltXpath {

    private static readonly SINGLETON: XsltXpath = new XsltXpath();

    static transform(styleSheetFile: string, sourceFile: string): any {
        return XsltXpath.SINGLETON.transformViaXsl(styleSheetFile, sourceFile);

    static pick(sourceFile: string, xpathQuery: string): any {
        return XsltXpath.SINGLETON.pickViaXpath(sourceFile, xpathQuery);

    private async transformViaXsl(styleSheetFile: string, sourceFile: string): Promise<any> {

        const output: { principalResult: any; } = await saxon.transform({
            stylesheetFileName: styleSheetFile,
            sourceFileName: sourceFile,
            destination: 'serialized'
        }, 'async');

        return output.principalResult;

    private pickViaXpath(sourceFile: string, xpathQuery: string): any {
        const doc = saxon.getResource({
            file: sourceFile,
            type: "xml"
        const result = saxon.XPath.evaluate(xpathQuery, doc);
        const output = saxon.serialize(result, { method: 'xml', indent: true, 'omit-xml-declaration': true });
        return output;


const output: any = await XsltXpath.transform('./testdata/stylesheet.sef.json', './testdata/data.xml');
    console.log('OUTPUT: ', output);


    const output: any = await XsltXpath.pick('./testdata/data.xml', 'catalog/cd//artist');
    console.log('OUTPUT: ', output);

“transform”-Method 工作正常,但是当我使用“pick”-Method 时,我总是得到这个错误:

message: 'Context item for child axis is not a node - supplied:HashTrie map{}',
  name: 'XError',
  code: 'XPTY0020'

我的 XPath 表达式在这种测试数据上是有效的,所以我假设我必须以另一种方式提供表达式:

    <title>Empire Burlesque</title>
    <artist>Bob Dylan</artist>


SaxonJS.getResource() 是异步的,returns 是 Promise;我认为您已将此 Promise 提供给 SaxonJS.XPath.Evaluate(),它将其视为一般 Javascript 对象。


            file: sourceFile,
            type: "xml"
.then((doc) => saxon.XPath.evaluate(xpathQuery, doc))

当然如果你不希望整个事情是异步的,你不必使用 saxon.getResource() - doc 只是一个 DOM 文档节点,你可以随心所欲地创造。