如何进行 `if` 检查输入的单词是否等于 C 中字符串列表中的某个单词?

How can I do an `if` check if the typed word is equal to some word in a string list in C?

如何 if 检查键入的单词是否等于 C 中字符串列表中的某个单词? 示例:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

char input[20];
char* strings[] = {"apple","banana"};

printf("try to hit one of my favorite fruits:\n");
scanf("%s", input);

if(input == strings[]){
     printf("you got it right %s is one of my favorite fruits!", input);
    printf("you missed");


#include<string.h> //you need string.h to use strcmp()

int main(){

char input[20];
char* strings[] = {"apple","banana"};

printf("try to hit one of my favorite fruits:\n");
scanf("%s", input);
for(int i=0;i<2;i++){ //2 is the length of the array
if(strcmp(input,strings[i])==0){ //strcmp() compares two strings
     printf("you got it right %s is one of my favorite fruits!", input);
     return 0;
printf("you missed");

要在 C 中比较字符串,必须使用 strcmp() 函数:

bool hit = false;
for (size_t i = 0; !hit && i < sizeof strings / sizeof *strings; ++i)
  hit = strcmp(input, strings[i] == 0);

if (hit)
  printf("You hit one of my favorites!\n");
  printf("You missed, too bad.\n");

请注意,一旦找到命中,循环就会结束,然后在循环之后检查 hit 变量以确定要打印的正确消息。

您还应该检查 scanf() 没有失败,因此它有一个 return 值。


f(input == strings[]){

在语法上是不正确的,至少因为下标运算符 strings[].



f(input == strings[0]){


要比较两个字符串,您应该使用标准 C 字符串函数 strcmp



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int is_present( const char * s1[], size_t n, const char *s2 )
    size_t i = 0;
    while ( i < n && strcmp( s1[i], s2 ) != 0 ) ++i;
    return i != n;

int main(void) 
    char input[20];
    const char * strings[] = { "apple", "banana" };
    const size_t N = sizeof( strings ) / sizeof( *strings );

    printf( "try to hit one of my favorite fruits:\n" );
    scanf( "%s", input );

    if( is_present( strings, N, input ) ){
        printf("you got it right %s is one of my favorite fruits!", input);
        printf("you missed");
    return 0;


try to hit one of my favorite fruits:
you got it right apple is one of my favorite fruits!