有没有办法将值或变量传递到 Mysql 中的 json_path

Is there a way to pass a value or variable into json_path in Mysql

有没有办法将值或变量传递到 Mysql 中的 json_path?

我正在尝试使用 json_table 从我的 json 的 header 中获取值,然后从我得到的索引中获取内容中的日期。

在我下面的代码中,我试图传递值 jsh.cName


    Select jsh.cName, jsc.qteRecu from
DocumentField as df inner join DocumentAnchor DA on DA.currentDocId IN (
    Select df.documentId from
    DocumentField as df inner join DocumentAnchor DA on DA.currentDocId = df.documentId
    inner join tpl_fields TF on TF.id = df.fieldId and TF.fieldId = 135 AND df.calcValue = "13476148-0" -- 5$
) inner join tpl_fields TF on TF.id = df.fieldId and TF.fieldId = 143 AND JSON_VALID(df.calcValue)
inner join Template on Template.id = DA.templateId AND Template.TypeTemplate_id = 6 -- bordereau de livraison
JSON_UNQUOTE(df.calcValue), "$.header[*]"
cId INT path '$."globalColumnId"',
cName VARCHAR(256) PATH '$."name"')
) as jsh ON jsh.cId = 8
JSON_UNQUOTE(df.calcValue), "$.content[*]"
qteRecu VARCHAR(256) PATH "$.MY_DATE_HERE(jsh.cName)")
) as jsc
WHERE jsc.qteRecu != "" AND jsc.qteRecu IS NOT NULL;

我的 json,有一个 header,我在那里得到了键的名称,内容是我试图从键名中获取值的地方:

"header": [
        "id": 1026,
        "name": "No projet",
        "templateId": 213,
        "tpl_fieldId": 3374,
        "pageId": 0,
        "isLineDefiner": 0,
        "startValue": "",
        "mandatoryStartValue": 0,
        "stopValue": "",
        "mandatoryStopValue": 0,
        "defaultValue": "",
        "width": 50,
        "height": 238,
        "x1": 1226,
        "y1": 627,
        "x2": 1276,
        "y2": 864,
        "ocrConfTolerance": 65,
        "zoneTolerencePix": null,
        "mask": null,
        "created": "2021-06-14 15:29:39",
        "createdBy": 1,
        "modified": "2021-06-14 15:29:39",
        "modifiedBy": null,
        "disabled": 0,
        "noSpace": 0,
        "typeId": 0,
        "isDummy": 0,
        "globalColumnId": 25,
        "listDataId": null,
        "zoneTolerence": null
        "id": 1016,
        "name": "No ligne",
        "templateId": 213,
        "tpl_fieldId": 3374,
        "pageId": 0,
        "isLineDefiner": 1,
        "startValue": "",
        "mandatoryStartValue": 0,
        "stopValue": "",
        "mandatoryStopValue": 0,
        "defaultValue": "",
        "width": 50,
        "height": 238,
        "x1": 1278,
        "y1": 627,
        "x2": 1328,
        "y2": 864,
        "ocrConfTolerance": 65,
        "zoneTolerencePix": null,
        "mask": null,
        "created": "2021-06-09 13:44:33",
        "createdBy": 1,
        "modified": "2021-06-14 15:29:39",
        "modifiedBy": 1,
        "disabled": 0,
        "noSpace": 0,
        "typeId": 0,
        "isDummy": 0,
        "globalColumnId": 1,
        "listDataId": null,
        "zoneTolerence": null
        "id": 1017,
        "name": "Article",
        "templateId": 213,
        "tpl_fieldId": 3374,
        "pageId": 0,
        "isLineDefiner": 0,
        "startValue": "",
        "mandatoryStartValue": 0,
        "stopValue": "",
        "mandatoryStopValue": 0,
        "defaultValue": "",
        "width": 50,
        "height": 238,
        "x1": 1330,
        "y1": 627,
        "x2": 1380,
        "y2": 864,
        "ocrConfTolerance": 65,
        "zoneTolerencePix": null,
        "mask": null,
        "created": "2021-06-09 13:44:33",
        "createdBy": 1,
        "modified": "2021-06-14 15:29:39",
        "modifiedBy": 1,
        "disabled": 0,
        "noSpace": 0,
        "typeId": 0,
        "isDummy": 0,
        "globalColumnId": 11,
        "listDataId": null,
        "zoneTolerence": null
        "id": 1018,
        "name": "Qte re\u00e7ue",
        "templateId": 213,
        "tpl_fieldId": 3374,
        "pageId": 0,
        "isLineDefiner": 0,
        "startValue": "",
        "mandatoryStartValue": 0,
        "stopValue": "",
        "mandatoryStopValue": 0,
        "defaultValue": "",
        "width": 50,
        "height": 238,
        "x1": 1382,
        "y1": 627,
        "x2": 1432,
        "y2": 864,
        "ocrConfTolerance": 65,
        "zoneTolerencePix": null,
        "mask": null,
        "created": "2021-06-09 13:44:33",
        "createdBy": 1,
        "modified": "2021-06-14 15:29:39",
        "modifiedBy": 1,
        "disabled": 0,
        "noSpace": 0,
        "typeId": 0,
        "isDummy": 0,
        "globalColumnId": 8,
        "listDataId": null,
        "zoneTolerence": null
        "id": 1019,
        "name": "Prix PO",
        "templateId": 213,
        "tpl_fieldId": 3374,
        "pageId": 0,
        "isLineDefiner": 0,
        "startValue": "",
        "mandatoryStartValue": 0,
        "stopValue": "",
        "mandatoryStopValue": 0,
        "defaultValue": "",
        "width": 50,
        "height": 238,
        "x1": 1434,
        "y1": 627,
        "x2": 1484,
        "y2": 864,
        "ocrConfTolerance": 65,
        "zoneTolerencePix": null,
        "mask": null,
        "created": "2021-06-09 13:44:33",
        "createdBy": 1,
        "modified": "2021-06-14 15:29:39",
        "modifiedBy": 1,
        "disabled": 0,
        "noSpace": 0,
        "typeId": 3,
        "isDummy": 0,
        "globalColumnId": 30,
        "listDataId": null,
        "zoneTolerence": null
        "id": 1020,
        "name": "Compte GL PO",
        "templateId": 213,
        "tpl_fieldId": 3374,
        "pageId": 0,
        "isLineDefiner": 0,
        "startValue": "",
        "mandatoryStartValue": 0,
        "stopValue": "",
        "mandatoryStopValue": 0,
        "defaultValue": "",
        "width": 117,
        "height": 238,
        "x1": 1486,
        "y1": 627,
        "x2": 1603,
        "y2": 864,
        "ocrConfTolerance": 65,
        "zoneTolerencePix": null,
        "mask": null,
        "created": "2021-06-09 13:44:33",
        "createdBy": 1,
        "modified": "2021-06-14 15:29:39",
        "modifiedBy": 1,
        "disabled": 0,
        "noSpace": 0,
        "typeId": 0,
        "isDummy": 0,
        "globalColumnId": 33,
        "listDataId": null,
        "zoneTolerence": null
"content": [
        "No projet": "0",
        "No ligne": 1,
        "Article": "",
        "Qte re\u00e7ue": "",
        "Prix PO": 0,
        "Compte GL PO": ""
        "No projet": "15CALL",
        "No ligne": 2,
        "Article": "275019734",
        "Qte re\u00e7ue": 1,
        "Prix PO": 20,
        "Compte GL PO": "570010;570010;110499"
        "No projet": "15CALL",
        "No ligne": 3,
        "Article": "217041984",
        "Qte re\u00e7ue": 1,
        "Prix PO": 135,
        "Compte GL PO": "570010;570010;110499"
        "No projet": "0",
        "No ligne": 4,
        "Article": "",
        "Qte re\u00e7ue": "",
        "Prix PO": 0,
        "Compte GL PO": ""

我认为这不可能。在加入其他表之前,必须修复 PATH。因此无法根据您加入的其他表中的值使 PATH 不同。

这类似于人们想要 的问题。 SQL 不支持。在查询开始读取任何数据行或计算表达式之前,表和列必须固定。

相反,我建议使用单独的路径公开所有内容字段,然后使用 CASE 表达式选择一个:

SELECT jsh.cName, CASE jsh.cName
    WHEN 'No projet' THEN jsc.NoProjet
    WHEN 'No ligne' THEN jsc.NoLigne
    WHEN 'Article' THEN jsc.Article
    END AS qteRecu
FROM ...
  JSON_UNQUOTE(df.calcValue), "$.content[*]"
      NoProjet VARCHAR(256) PATH '$."No projet"',
      NoLigne INT PATH '$."No ligne"',
      Article VARCHAR(256) PATH '$.Article',
      QteRecu VARCHAR(256) PATH '$."Qte re\u00e7ue"',
) as jsc

另一种方法是将您的内容构建为不同的 JSON 文档。