ModuleNotFoundError: No java install detected. Please install java to use language-tool-python

ModuleNotFoundError: No java install detected. Please install java to use language-tool-python



import language_tool_python
tl = language_tool_python.LanguageTool('en-US')

txt = "good mooorning sirr and medam my namee anderen i am from amerecia !"
m = tl.check(txt)


ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-1c4c9134d6f4> in <module>
      1 import language_tool_python
----> 2 tool = language_tool_python.LanguageTool('en-US')
      4 text = "Your the best but their are allso  good !"
      5 matches = tool.check(text)

E:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\language_tool_python\ in __init__(self, language, motherTongue, remote_server, newSpellings, new_spellings_persist)
     43             self._update_remote_server_config(self._url)
     44         elif not self._server_is_alive():
---> 45             self._start_server_on_free_port()
     46         if language is None:
     47             try:

E:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\language_tool_python\ in _start_server_on_free_port(self)
    212             self._url = 'http://{}:{}/v2/'.format(self._HOST, self._port)
    213             try:
--> 214                 self._start_local_server()
    215                 break
    216             except ServerError:

E:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\language_tool_python\ in _start_local_server(self)
    222     def _start_local_server(self):
    223         # Before starting local server, download language tool if needed.
--> 224         download_lt()
    225         err = None
    226         try:

E:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\language_tool_python\ in download_lt(update)
    142     ]
--> 144     confirm_java_compatibility()
    145     version = LATEST_VERSION
    146     filename = FILENAME.format(version=version)

E:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\language_tool_python\ in confirm_java_compatibility()
     73         # found because of a PATHEXT-related issue
     74         # (
---> 75         raise ModuleNotFoundError('No java install detected. Please install java to use language-tool-python.')
     77     output = subprocess.check_output([java_path, '-version'],

ModuleNotFoundError: No java install detected. Please install java to use language-tool-python.

当我 运行 代码时,我没有检测到 java 安装 如何解决这个问题?

当我 运行 您提供的代码时,我认为这不是代码本身的问题

import language_tool_python
tl = language_tool_python.LanguageTool('en-US')

txt = "good mooorning sirr and medam my namee anderen i am from amerecia !"
m = tl.check(txt)


 OUT: 8

language-tool-python 的文档中写道:

By default, language_tool_python will download a LanguageTool server .jar and run that in the background to detect grammar errors locally. However, LanguageTool also offers a Public HTTP Proofreading API that is supported as well. Follow the link for rate-limiting details. (Running locally won't have the same restrictions.)

因此您将需要 Java(JRE 和 SKD)。也写在图书馆的要求中:

Prerequisites Python 3.5+ LanguageTool (Java 8.0 or higher) The installation process should take care of downloading LanguageTool (it may take a few minutes). Otherwise, you can manually download and unzip it into where the language_tool_python package resides.

