如何在 sqlalchemy 异步中获取具有特定属性的所有 id 列表

How to get all list of id with specific properties in sqlalchemy async

嘿,我正在尝试学习 sqlalchemy,但我一直无法获取状态为 ON 的所有用户 ID 的列表。该查询在异步 sqlalchemy 中不起作用。


async def free_user():
    stmt = select(User).where(User.state =='ON')
    async with async_session() as session:
        result = await session.execute(stmt)
        return result.first() 


async def free_user():
    stmt = select(User).where(User.state == 'ON')
    async with async_session() as session:
        result = await session.execute(stmt)
        return [user.user_id for user in result.scalars()]

您可以使用 all()retrieve all rows in a list:

    async with async_session() as session:
        result = await session.execute(stmt)
        return result.all()