Error: The selected field is not defined (email)

Error: The selected field is not defined (email)

我正在尝试学习 mobx-react-form 和验证部分。我想要一个简单的电子邮件验证,我也想用 mobx-react-form 来做。 下面是我的代码

const formFields = {
  email: {
    type: 'text',
    placeholder: 'Your Email Address',
    rules: 'required|email|string|between:5,50',
    value: ''

class form extends React.Component {
  getValidation(): MobxReactForm {
    const hooks: any = {};

    const plugins: any = {
      dvr: dvr(validatorjs)

    const formOptions: any = {
      validateOnChange: true

    return new MobxReactForm({ formFields }, { plugins, hooks, formOptions });
  private form: MobxReactForm = this.getValidation();
  render() {
    return (
            <FormControl margin="normal" fullWidth>
              <TextField {...this.form.$('email').bind()} />
            <Button variant="contained" color="primary" type="submit">
export default form;

It's showing this error


  // It should be `fields` instead of `formFields`
  return new MobxReactForm({ fields }, { plugins, hooks, formOptions });
