如何将 return 段的更大值组合成 unique id 组合?

How to return greater value of the period for unique id combination?

如果对于 section_idstore_id 组合的 period_id 的较大值,paid_amount 不为 NULL 或大于 0,则商店将获得checked 列的 Y 值。这是我根据上面列出的条件创建的查询:

select section_id, store_id, paid_amount, period_id, secttion_id + store_id as unique_id
from store_data 
where paid_amount is not null and paid_amount > 0
order by store_id, paid_amount desc;


section_id  store_id  paid_amount  period_id  unique_id
3604        30545     10000.00     3          30545
3604        30545     5000.00      2          30545
5967        32105     8470.00      3          38072
5967        32105     8470.00      2          38072
1367        46144     23456.00     2          47511
1367        46144     23456.00     3          47511
1367        46144     23456.00     4          47511
1367        46144     23456.00     5          47511
1376        72181     19975.00     2          73557

如果有多个数据,我只需要获取一行数据。例如 unique_id 30545 我只想要数量较多的行。在那种情况下,它应该与 10000.00paid_amount 排在一起。如果行只有一条记录,我只需要该行。在 Sybase?


因为 sybase 不支持 window 函数,这里是一种方法:

select s1.* from store_data s1
join (
  select unique_id , max(paid_amount) paid_amount
  from store_data s2
  where s2.paid_amount is not null and s2.paid_amount > 0
  group by s2.unique_id
) s2
on s1.unique_id = s2.unique_id
and s1.paid_amount = s2.paid_amount


select s1.* from store_data s1
join (
  select unique_id , max(paid_amount) paid_amount, max(period) period
  from store_data s2
  where s2.paid_amount is not null and s2.paid_amount > 0
  group by s2.unique_id
) s2
on s1.unique_id = s2.unique_id
and s1.paid_amount = s2.paid_amount
and s1.period_id = s2.period_id