如何编写具有动态值的场景大纲 ?

How to write Scenario Outlines with dinamic values ​?

enter image description here例如:

Scenario Outline:
Given the user is logged into Home Operations
When searching for "<status>"
Then the "<result>" and "<total>" are presented

| status  |
|approved |
|created  |
|rejected |


***Result*** is the total by status type.
***Total*** is the sum of the statuses.

当您说动态值时,我假设您是在 运行 期间获得的,或者换句话说,在您 运行 BDD 之前您不会知道这些值。如果是这种情况,您需要重新考虑如何编写 BDD。对于每一个价值,都应该有一个商定的结果。例如,如果状态被批准,那么对于结果和总计,您应该预先设置一个 defined/agreed 的值。

例如,您上面的 BDD 可以重写为

Scenario Outline: 
Given the user is logged into Home Operations 
When searching for "<status>" 
Then the "<result>" and "<total>" are presented

| status  | result  |total|
|approved | success |  |
|created  | pending |  |
|rejected | failed  | [=10=]  |
|confirmed| success |  |
