Apps 脚本 - Google 表单到电子邮件 PDF - 需要复选框问题才能生成为要点

Apps Script - Google Form to Email PDF - Need Checkbox questions to generate as Bullet Points

提交 Google 表单时,它会在 Google 文档模板中找到要替换的项目,然后通过电子邮件发送给我。 我无法将表单复选框响应作为文档中的要点。它目前将列出所有已检查的选项,但它们以逗号分隔,而不是项目符号。


function onFormSubmit(e) {
  //open the template document by ID
  //you can find the ID in the link of the document
  var templateDoc = DriveApp.getFileById('1Dwbjh1Jqerg_WKvqdERyCfnDnWY2yjNArGY_f38ioAs');
  //create a copy of the template, we don't wanna mess up the template doc
  var newTempFile = templateDoc.makeCopy();
  //open the new template document for editing
  var openDoc = DocumentApp.openById(newTempFile.getId());
  var body = openDoc.getBody();
  //get the responses triggered by On Form Submit
  var items = e.response.getItemResponses();
  //find the text in the template doc and replace it with the Form response
  //items[0].getResponse() is the first response in the Form
  //and it is the "Name"
  body.replaceText('{Position}', items[0].getResponse());  
  //items[1].getResponse() is the second and it is the date
  body.replaceText('{Location}', items[1].getResponse());
  //You can add as much as you have and change them in the Template Doc like this
  body.replaceText('{Days/Hours}', items[2].getResponse());
  body.replaceText('{Qualifications}', items[3].getResponse());
  body.replaceText('{Duties}', items[4].getResponse());
  //and so on...
  //Save and Close the open document
  var theBlob = newTempFile.getBlob().getAs('application/pdf');
  //The name of the file is going to be the first and second question from the form
  //change to your preference
  var nameFile = items[0].getResponse() + '-' + items[1].getResponse() + '.pdf';

  //send an email with the PDF
  //If you don't want to send the PDF in the mail just delete everything
  //from here -------
  var email = '';
  var subject = 'Your new document';
  var body = 'Hello, <br/>Check this PDF file.';
  GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, body, {
    htmlBody: body,
    attachments: [{
      fileName: nameFile,
      content: theBlob.getBytes(),
      mimeType: "application/pdf"
  //to here ------

  // save the PDF file in your Drive
  var savePDF = DriveApp.createFile (theBlob);

  //if you want to save the file in a specific folder use this code
  //get the ID from the folder link
  //var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById('14nUc----------0lUb');
  //var savePDF = folder.createFile (theBlob);

  //delete the temp file


首先,您需要找到元素所在的位置。并且不是直接替换文本,而是需要遍历复选框响应返回的元素,然后将它们一一追加到包含占位符文本的 list/bullet 下方。添加所有元素后,删除占位符文本及其项目符号。



// make sure to copy the original template, and use that copy instead of directly editing the original template which what I did below

var templateDoc = DriveApp.getFileById('1Ep2yDj-EZohCQAZl-TV1iiFqfTdHulffAiHJWH_8YFY');
var openDoc = DocumentApp.openById(templateDoc.getId());
var body = openDoc.getBody();

function onFormSubmit(e) {
  var items = e.response.getItemResponses();
  items.forEach(function (item, index) {
    switch (index){
      case 0:
        body.replaceText('{Position}', item.getResponse());  
      case 1:
        body.replaceText('{Location}', item.getResponse());
      case 2:
        body.replaceText('{Days/Hours}', item.getResponse());
      case 3:
        replaceBullet('{Qualifications}', item);
      case 4:
        replaceBullet('{Duties}', item);
  // Now, we finished replacing the values we need to be replaced
  // Add here the saving and closing of the document.
  // Then prepare your send email code here.

function replaceBullet(template, item) {
  var choices = item.getResponse();
  choices.forEach(function (choice) {
    appendToList(choice, template);

function appendToList(elementContent, template) {
  var childIndex = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < openDoc.getNumChildren(); i++) {
    var child = openDoc.getChild(i);
    if (child.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM && child.asText().getText() == template){
      while(child.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM){
        child = openDoc.getChild(i);
        childIndex = body.getChildIndex(child);
      child = openDoc.getChild(i-2);
      var newElement = child.getParent().insertListItem(childIndex, elementContent).setGlyphType(DocumentApp.GlyphType.BULLET);

function removeListTemplate(template) {
  for (var i = 0; i < openDoc.getNumChildren(); i++) {
    var child = openDoc.getChild(i);
    if (child.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM && child.asText().getText() == template)



  • 当项目符号位于 table 内时,这将不起作用。这就是为什么我删除了 table 并在页面中有 2 列。
  • 在第一列末尾插入“分栏符”,这样当项目符号被不同数量的项目符号替换时它不会移动