以编程方式获取 ADF 管道消耗报告
Programatically Get ADF pipeline consumption report
我有兴趣查询可从数据工厂监视器获得的管道消耗报告。 Log Analytics 或 PowerShell cmdlet 上是否有 table 可以 return 此信息?我检查了 ADFv2 PowerShell 模块,但没有找到。我的目标是汇总本报告中可用的信息,以确定成本最高的管道。
在进行更多研究后,有人将我指向了一个 GitHub 页面,产品团队在该页面上发布了一个 PowerShell 脚本,以找到我正在寻找的部分内容{1}。所以我对脚本做了一些修改以获得我需要的输出。通过下面的输出,我可以从 MS 计算器中提取值,以获得每个管道的估计成本 运行。 {2}
$startTime = "21/6/2021 7:00:00"
$endTime = "21/6/2021 10:00:00"
$adf = '<data factory name>'
$rg = '<resrouce group name>'
$outputObj = @()
$pipelineRuns = Get-AzDataFactoryV2PipelineRun -ResourceGroupName $rg -DataFactoryName $adf -LastUpdatedAfter $startTime -LastUpdatedBefore $endTime
# loop through all pipelines and child activities to return billable information
foreach ($pipelineRun in $pipelineRuns) {
$activtiyRuns = Get-AzDataFactoryV2ActivityRun -ResourceGroupName $rg -DataFactoryName $adf -pipelineRunId $pipelineRun.RunId -RunStartedAfter $startTime -RunStartedBefore $endTime
foreach ($activtiyRun in $activtiyRuns) {
if ($null -ne $activtiyRun.Output -and $null -ne $activtiyRun.Output.SelectToken("billingReference.billableDuration")) {
$obj = @()
$obj = $activtiyRun.Output.SelectToken("billingReference.billableDuration").ToString() | ConvertFrom-Json
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name activityType -value $activtiyRun.Output.SelectToken("billingReference.activityType").ToString()
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name pipelineName -value $pipelineRun.PipelineName
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name activtiyRuns -value $activtiyRuns.Count
$outputObj += $obj
else {}
# output aggregated result set as table
$groupedObj = $outputObj | Group-Object -Property pipelineName, activityType, meterType
$groupedObj | ForEach-Object {
$value = $_.name -split ', '
New-Object psobject -Property @{
activityType = $value[1];
meterType = $value[2];
pipelineName = $value[0];
executionHours = [math]::Round(($_.Group | Measure-object -Property duration -sum).Sum, 4)
orchestrationActivityRuns = $groupedObj.group.activtiyRuns[0]
} | Sort-Object -Property meterType | Format-Table
我有兴趣查询可从数据工厂监视器获得的管道消耗报告。 Log Analytics 或 PowerShell cmdlet 上是否有 table 可以 return 此信息?我检查了 ADFv2 PowerShell 模块,但没有找到。我的目标是汇总本报告中可用的信息,以确定成本最高的管道。
在进行更多研究后,有人将我指向了一个 GitHub 页面,产品团队在该页面上发布了一个 PowerShell 脚本,以找到我正在寻找的部分内容{1}。所以我对脚本做了一些修改以获得我需要的输出。通过下面的输出,我可以从 MS 计算器中提取值,以获得每个管道的估计成本 运行。 {2}
$startTime = "21/6/2021 7:00:00"
$endTime = "21/6/2021 10:00:00"
$adf = '<data factory name>'
$rg = '<resrouce group name>'
$outputObj = @()
$pipelineRuns = Get-AzDataFactoryV2PipelineRun -ResourceGroupName $rg -DataFactoryName $adf -LastUpdatedAfter $startTime -LastUpdatedBefore $endTime
# loop through all pipelines and child activities to return billable information
foreach ($pipelineRun in $pipelineRuns) {
$activtiyRuns = Get-AzDataFactoryV2ActivityRun -ResourceGroupName $rg -DataFactoryName $adf -pipelineRunId $pipelineRun.RunId -RunStartedAfter $startTime -RunStartedBefore $endTime
foreach ($activtiyRun in $activtiyRuns) {
if ($null -ne $activtiyRun.Output -and $null -ne $activtiyRun.Output.SelectToken("billingReference.billableDuration")) {
$obj = @()
$obj = $activtiyRun.Output.SelectToken("billingReference.billableDuration").ToString() | ConvertFrom-Json
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name activityType -value $activtiyRun.Output.SelectToken("billingReference.activityType").ToString()
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name pipelineName -value $pipelineRun.PipelineName
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name activtiyRuns -value $activtiyRuns.Count
$outputObj += $obj
else {}
# output aggregated result set as table
$groupedObj = $outputObj | Group-Object -Property pipelineName, activityType, meterType
$groupedObj | ForEach-Object {
$value = $_.name -split ', '
New-Object psobject -Property @{
activityType = $value[1];
meterType = $value[2];
pipelineName = $value[0];
executionHours = [math]::Round(($_.Group | Measure-object -Property duration -sum).Sum, 4)
orchestrationActivityRuns = $groupedObj.group.activtiyRuns[0]
} | Sort-Object -Property meterType | Format-Table