
Comparing file size with existing value

我想借助 foreach 循环检查文件名及其关联的文件大小。所以我有以下 2 个包含文件名和文件大小的字符串数组:

string[] file_name = {
string[] file_size = {
    "17662", //file1.dll size
    "19019" //file2.dll size

通过下面的 foreach 循环,我正在检查文件和大小是否匹配

foreach (string filename in file_name)
            foreach (string filesize in file_size)
                if (File.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\dll\" + filename))
                    FileInfo f = new FileInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\dll\" + filename);
                    string s1 = f.Length.ToString();
                    if (s1 != filesize)
                        MessageBox.Show(f.Name + "modified DLL file, please change it to original");



创建新的 class 作为 MyFiles.cs

public class MyFiles
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public long Size { get; set; }
        public string Path { get; set;}
    public class MyWorkClass
        private void InputFiles()
            var files = new List<MyFiles>();
            var file = new MyFiles { Name = "File1.dll", Size = 1215454 };
            file = new MyFiles { Name = "File2.dll", Size = 15544 };

        private void ProcessFile(List<MyFiles> files)
            foreach (MyFiles file in files)
                var name = file.Name;
                var size = file.Size;
                //Do other things


        //Create a dictionary that holds the file name with it's size
        Dictionary<string, long> FileNameAndSizes = new Dictionary<string, long>();

        //Key of dictionary will contain file name
        //Value of dictionary will contain file size
        FileNameAndSizes.Add("file1.dll", 17662);
        FileNameAndSizes.Add("file2.dll", 19019);

        //Iterate through the dictionary
        foreach (var item in FileNameAndSizes)
            //Look for file existance
            if (File.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\dll\" + item.Key))
                FileInfo f = new FileInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\dll\" + item.Key);
                var s1 = f.Length;

                //Compare the current file size with stored size
                if (s1 != item.Value)
                    MessageBox.Show(f.Name + "modified DLL file, please change it to original");

我不会为你写完整的代码..这是你的工作^^ 不过我会帮你的。


public void Test()
    //Use filename as key and file size as value
    var files = new Dictionary<String, Int32>
        { "file1.dll", 17662 },
        { "file2.dll", 19019 }

    foreach ( var file in files )
        //..get filesize name is stored in file.Key
        if(fielsize != file.Value)
            //display error message

1) 将文件名和文件大小存储在字典中参见:for details

2) 使用您的代码获取每个文件的大小,并将大小与键值对的值进行比较。


Dictionary<string,int> files = new Dictionary<string, int>() { {"file1.dll", 12345}, {"file2.dll", 34566} };


foreach (var entry in files) // type of entry is "KeyValuePair<string,int>"
        if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "dll",  entry.Key)))
             // Compare file size against entry.Value here.
             // ...


此外:切勿使用 + 运算符连接路径。请改用 Path.Combine。


        foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, file_name.Length))
            string filename = file_name[i];
            string filesize = file_size[i];

            if (File.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\dll\" + filename))
                FileInfo f = new FileInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\dll\" + filename);
                string s1 = f.Length.ToString();
                if (s1 != filesize)
                    MessageBox.Show(f.Name + "modified DLL file, please change it to original");