scrollView 不滚动 swift

scrollView not scrolling swift



Trailing space to superview  = -16
Leading space to superview = -16
Top space to top layout guide = 0
Bottom space to bottom layout guide = -13

我在 viewDidLayoutSubViews 中打印出滚动视图 contentSize,并且每次都打印出相同的值,即:

scrollview is (375.0, 356.5)


检查内容视图的底部约束(ScrollView 内的容器)在你的情况下它是 UILabel

Apple Technical Note TN2154: UIScrollView And Autolayout

To size the scroll view’s frame with Auto Layout, constraints must either be explicit regarding the width and height of the scroll view, or the edges of the scroll view must be tied to views outside of its subtree.

有用的文章:Using UIScrollView with Auto Layout in iOS